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1 名前:名無電力14001 :2023/06/17(土) 13:57:21.46 .net

626 名前:名無電力14001 :2024/04/12(金) 10:53:13.47 ID:+7RqA+n71
話が核心に迫るとずいぶん妨害が入るんだな 怖い怖い

627 名前:名無電力14001 :2024/04/13(土) 11:27:37.11 .net

628 名前:名無電力14001 :2024/04/13(土) 21:31:25.06 ID:f2EJcMadO

629 名前:名無電力14001 :2024/04/14(日) 10:33:51.19 .net

630 名前:名無電力14001 :2024/04/17(水) 22:46:33.43 ID:SZBaL1Bn8

631 名前:coal cop28, :2024/04/19(金) 08:15:43.35
(hitachi with partner ship with siemens in spain,

off shore wind turbin made in siemens in spain ,

for euro needs,

carbon emission,

energy issues, )

632 名前:名無電力14001 :2024/04/25(木) 21:00:36.40 ID:Qj/CHdtRO

633 名前:coal.,cop28, :2024/04/26(金) 14:51:59.45
Euro type.
Coal chimneys have measures to reduce carbon
To systematize,
Install a chimney made of ducted
To systematize a system of carbon reduction
The method is being studied.
American-made carbon reduction systems made in the U.S.A. are
are now the mainstream in the U.S,
In recent years, the U.S. has reduced the use of coal chimneys by 20%.
of coal stacks in recent years,
Carbon reduction is a major focus of g.e. America, along with
The U.S. government has been working together to reduce the carbon footprint of coal
The measures to reduce carbon emissions from coal smokestacks
can be achieved,
Now, at cop28, carbon reduction was the theme.
We are now working with the U.S. government to develop a system to reduce carbon emissions from coal chimneys.

634 名前:名無電力14001 :2024/04/26(金) 23:55:01.81 ID:0IUOye/Vu

635 名前:名無電力14001 :2024/05/04(土) 18:28:15.02 ID:6rSlWHtHt

全部読む 最新50 1-100 板のトップ リロード

【2:6】★★★ 2ちゃんねる(sc)のご案内 ★★★
1 名前:2ちゃんねる ★ :2014/12/24(水) 23:00:00.00 ID:???
■ 2ちゃんねる(sc)へようこそ


 昨今の2ちゃんねるの現状に関して。 http://2ch.sc/www2chscindex.html




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 ■ スマホ、モバイルでの利用の場合 (一部Wi-Fi除く) >>5
 ■ Q&A >>6


2 名前:2ちゃんねる ★ :2014/12/24(水) 23:00:01.00 ID:???
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3 名前:2ちゃんねる ★ :2014/12/24(水) 23:00:02.00 ID:???
■ ご利用に当たっての機能

 ○ sc民を探す便利な機能
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4 名前:2ちゃんねる ★ :2014/12/24(水) 23:00:03.00 ID:???
 ○ スレッドの基本動作
  scでは、read.html (read.cgi の JavaScript モード) を基本としています。
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   尚、CGI モードでは上記 JavaScript モードの機能は作動しません。

5 名前:2ちゃんねる ★ :2014/12/24(水) 23:00:04.00 ID:???
■ スマホ、モバイルでの利用の場合 (一部Wi-Fi除く)

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6 名前:2ちゃんねる ★ :2014/12/24(水) 23:00:05.00 ID:???
■ Q&A

 ○ なんか書き込めない時は?
  【カワイイ板】 http://sweet.2ch.sc/kawaii/
   ※ この板では名前欄に tasukeruyo と入れると一部の書き込み制限を回避できます。

     名前欄に tasukeruyo
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 ○ スレ立てに困った時は?
 「スレ立て代行スレin広場」 http://sweet.2ch.sc/test/read.cgi/laplace/1405949569/l50

 ○ 上部の黒色の小さいボタンは何?
  ・◎ ---- 「JavaScript モード」と「CGI モード」の切替
  ・ID ---- ID の後ろに当該 ID のレス数の表示・非表示切替
  ・□ ---- subback.html (スレッド一覧) の表示スタイル切替


全部読む 最新50 1-100 板のトップ リロード

1 名前:名無電力14001 :2014/10/10(金) 01:40:38.89 .net

259 名前:coal, energy issues, :2024/03/29(金) 19:28:24.23
Mitsubishi nox removal system
decarbonization system.
Coal chimney system
Mitsubishi's decarbonization system
Systematize to coal chimney
Order from the U.S.A. in g.e,
With carbon reduction measures
In cop28.
to coal electric utilities.
Mandate measures to reduce carbon
In carbon emissions
2050 with the schedule of carbon reduction measures

260 名前:coal, energy issues, :2024/03/29(金) 20:00:57.48
Mitsubishi nox removal system
decarbonization system.
Coal chimney system
Mitsubishi's decarbonization system
Systematize to coal chimney
Order from the U.S.A. in g.e,
With carbon reduction measures
In cop28.
to coal electric utilities.
Mandate measures to reduce carbon
In carbon emissions
2050 with the schedule of carbon reduction measures

261 名前:coal, energy issues, :2024/03/30(土) 09:06:27.48
MHI Mitsubishi nox removal system
Carbon reduction system,
carbon removal system.
To systemize the coal chimney
To the electric utility of the coal chimney
to systemize the carbon removal system in their coal stacks,
Order from the U.S. of g.e.
with measures to reduce carbon emissions.
In cop28, in measures to reduce carbon
In carbon emissions
In energy issues
2050, with plans for measures to reduce carbon

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

262 名前:coal, energy isseus, :2024/03/30(土) 14:16:46.01
Scotland, England.
North of the Irish Sea North of the Irish Sea
Offshore wind farm off the coast of
The Scottish Offshore Wind Farm is
The Scottish Offshore Wind Farm is planned to be built and installed
by the governments of the United Kingdom and Denmark.
The project will be constructed and installed by the British and Danish governments,
Scotland in the UK.
North of the Irish Sea in the North of the Irish Sea in the North of the Irish Sea in the North of the Irish Sea in the North of the Irish Sea
Offshore wind farms will be built off the coast of
offshore wind farms are planned to be built and installed
orsted in Denmark and
Iberdrola, Spain.
offshore wind farms in
to be built and installed
north of the Irish Sea and in the north of Scotland.

263 名前:off shore wind energy, :2024/04/01(月) 11:39:19.55
青森県 六ケ所村沖、太平洋側、洋上風力発電所、

青森県 六ケ所村沖、太平洋側、洋上風力発電所、

丸紅、MHI 三菱、日本風力開発、j-power 東京ガス、

東京電力、丸紅、MHI 三菱、j-power、



太平洋側、洋上風力発電事業、off shore wind energy farm,


264 名前:off shore wind energy, :2024/04/05(金) 18:50:19.13
Construct and install the Boston Sea offshore wind farm in the UK, off the coast of Boston.
about 30 to 40 km offshore from land.
40 km offshore from land, off the coast of Boston.
Boston Sea offshore wind farm to be
To be installed,
the North Sea, in the north, east of England.
To be located and constructed offshore,
orsted, Denmark and
Iberdrola, Spain.
To be constructed by orsted of Denmark and Iberdrola of Spain,
Offshore wind power in the U.K. is a stable business
and are a good investment destination for foreign investors.
It is also an investment destination for foreign companies,
with the Danish government.
The government of the U.K. is

265 名前:coal, :2024/04/06(土) 20:58:39.48
MHI Mitsubishi nox removal system
is a joint venture between Hitachi Zosen, Hitachi, Toshiba, NEDO, and
TEPCO, and Tokyo Electric Power Company.
The technology will be researched and developed,
The nox removal system will be developed by Hitachi Zosen, Hitachi and
MHI-Mitsubishi will research and develop the technology,
Ammonia is diluted by 50% with water to
Ammonia can be saved by diluting ammonia by 50% with water,
The ammonia is also used in the
decarbonation system with Hitachi and Hitachi Zosen.
Toshiba, NEDO, MHI Mitsubishi and g.e.
research and development,
Prime Minister Kishida on Cop28.
Prime Minister Kishida participated in the project.
The Japanese government supports decarbonization.

266 名前:coal, :2024/04/07(日) 04:23:30.99
water with a heater.
The type that turns water into steam and spins a turbine
other power generation methods in the field of steam power generation.
not nuclear power,
Hitachi, Toshiba, and
NEDO, Tokyo Electric Power, MHI-Mitsubishi, and
g.e and jera to research and develop,
other power generation methods,
Carbon reduction is the theme of cop28 and
The theme of carbon reduction in cop28 was
on energy issues.
2050, with plans to reduce carbon emissions,
non-nuclear power generation methods.
Alternative generation methods
Carbon reductions in 2050

267 名前:coal cop28 :2024/04/12(金) 12:30:54.57
In countries such as Japan.
Progress has been made in measures to reduce carbon
Coal does not emit carbon from the chimney,
No carbon emissions from coal chimneys
The systematization of measures to reduce carbon emissions is
become an obligation of electric utilities,
Carbon reductions have been achieved, and
Even if we continue to use coal 30% of the time
carbon has been reduced to a level where it is no longer a problem,
This is a Euro type of 180m
system of carbon reduction in coal chimneys.
It has been difficult to install a carbon reduction system in a 180m Euro type coal chimney,
This is a 250-meter chimney top.
ducted chimney,
carbon reduction system to the top of a 250m chimney.
The installation of a ducted chimney at the top of a 250-meter chimney with a carbon reduction system is now being considered.

268 名前:青森県 :2024/04/26(金) 22:50:06.59
(青森県沖つがる沖日本海側 洋上風力発電事業


 JERA 東京ガス 東京電力 大阪ガス 中部電力

 企業合同体、企業協力、東京電力 jera グリーンパワー

 インベストメント、東京電力、jera 大阪ガス、中部電力





全部読む 最新50 1-100 板のトップ リロード

1 名前:名無電力14001 :2013/11/10(日) 16:26:56.06 .net
日本の電力の半分以上は原発で賄っているんだけどwww 原発無くなったら、どうするつもりだよwwwwwwwwwただでさえ、日本は資源が少ないのに

302 名前:名無電力14001 :2021/02/15(月) 13:44:40.36 .net
地震 火力発電所 11基が停止【14日午後4時】



303 名前:議題 :2021/02/16(火) 03:30:53.49 .net



304 名前:名無電力14001 :2021/02/19(金) 17:23:50.79 .net
立憲 塩村 新電力を完全否定

立憲 塩村あやか「脱原発!再生可能エネルギー!」


305 名前:名無電力14001 :2021/02/20(土) 09:57:37.70 .net

306 名前:名無電力14001 :2021/03/09(火) 14:26:34.65 .net
脱原発の金曜デモ、資金難で休止 国会前で最後の訴え



307 名前:名無電力14001 :2021/03/27(土) 21:31:40.85 .net

308 名前:名無電力14001 :2021/09/08(水) 11:20:51.44 .net

309 名前:名無電力14001 :2022/01/09(日) 19:00:08.34 .net

310 名前:わきききをすをせをてを :2024/04/25(木) 20:06:12.60 ID:TT/3XQ9fi

311 名前:わきききをすをせをてを :2024/04/25(木) 20:08:16.50 ID:TT/3XQ9fi
( ゚д゚)
_(__つ/ ̄ ̄ ̄/_
  \/     /
     ̄ ̄ ̄

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【5:742】【短期計画好】ソフトバンク part2【電力事業参入】
1 名前:名無電力14001 :2011/08/25(木) 23:43:38.93 .net




733 名前:coal, energy, :2024/04/04(木) 17:41:46.93
MHI-Mitsubishi nox removal system
Carbon reduction measures system
Systemization of coal chimneys,
carbon reduction measures.
The system will require coal electric utilities to implement measures to reduce carbon emissions,
carbon reduction measures,
MHI-Mitsubishi nox removal system
system of carbon reduction measures.
coal chimneys.
system to coal chimneys.
Coal electric utilities are obligated to
carbon reduction measures,
In cop28,
Although carbon reduction was the theme of cop28,
Now that the U.S. has a 20% coal
carbon reductions.

734 名前:off shore wind energy, :2024/04/05(金) 00:10:27.70
Lithium-ion storage batteries.
Combined with wind power generation
to store electricity at night.
system that can transmit power at night during the daytime.
system that can transmit power during the daytime.
is needed in the U.K,
the nighttime power from wind power generation.
energy storage system to store the nighttime power
storage batteries to wind power
to wind power generation,
wind power generation in the UK.
in energy issues,

735 名前:coal, energy issues, :2024/04/05(金) 00:26:17.23
MHI Mitsubishi nox removal system
g.e made in usa,
Order from the U.S.A. in g.e,
Carbon reduction measures
to be systematized in coal chimneys.
Mandate to coal electric utilities,
carbon reduction measures,
of carbon reduction through the use of ammonia.
ammonia imports, though,
to install decarbonization in coal chimneys,
is not expensive,
The U.S. government is working on a carbon reduction
The U.S. government supports carbon reduction measures.
Cop28 also supports carbon reduction measures.
to introduce carbon reduction measures, not only in developed countries,

736 名前:coal, :2024/04/06(土) 18:53:50.43
MHI Mitsubishi along with g.e America
nox removal system, a carbon reduction measure
in the development of a nox removal system
partnership in the development of a nox removal system
and develop the technology and
decarbonization system.
research and development.
Together with Hitachi Zosen, MHI Mitsubishi and
g.e in the United States.
carbon reduction systems,
nox removal system.
development of a nox removal system.
Carbon reduction measures for coal chimneys
systematize carbon reduction measures in coal chimneys,
U.S. government and cop28 and
Cooperate with the U.S. government and cop28 on carbon reduction,

737 名前:coal, :2024/04/06(土) 20:11:00.83
The Japanese government's Prime Minister Kishida
participated in cop28,
that the Japanese government supports decarbonization.
as well as Hitachi Zosen, Mitsubishi and g.e,
together with the U.S.,
system of carbon reduction.
The Japanese government supports decarbonization and is working with Hitachi Zosen, Mitsubishi, G.E., and the U.S. to develop a carbon removal system,
system for coal chimneys.
Development of technology to decarbonize
with the Japanese and U.S. governments
and cop28 with countries around the world
research and development of decarbonization,
and with the U.S. g.e.
decarbonization in developing countries
We will continue to support the decarbonization of developing countries.
The Government of Japan will work with g.e. to support decarbonization

738 名前:coal, :2024/04/06(土) 20:36:15.10
Catalyze ammonia for decarbonization
Jetting ammonia, using it as a
of a system that injects it into NOx and CARBON
Decarbonization systems are available from MHI-Mitsubishi and Hitachizosen.
decarbonization systems manufactured by MHI-Mitsubishi and hitachizosen,
Ammonia is diluted with 50% water in an aqueous solution.
Jetting the ammonia saves ammonia and
and reduce the amount of ammonia imported,
The ammonia solution must also be balanced with water.
The composition of the solution can be studied,
MHI-Mitsubishi and Hitachi are working together to develop a decarbonization system
rational and highly efficient decarbonization
systems with reasonable decarbonization efficiencies,
research and development, together with g.e,
Japanese government and administrative agencies.
Hitachi Zosen and MHI-Mitsubishi decarbonization systems.

739 名前:coal, :2024/04/07(日) 02:04:38.73
Along with cop28,
The U.S. has in recent years been using 20% of its coal carbon
Japan's jera and MHI-Mitsubishi's
nox removal system
g.e Order from USA,
Japanese jera and MHI-Mitsubishi nox removal system
nox removal system and
decarbonation system.
system can be installed in coal chimneys,
The U.S. government is trying to decarbonize
support for decarbonization,
cop28 and carbon reduction measures are
can be done,
carbon reduction systems.

740 名前:coal cop28 :2024/04/12(金) 03:49:29.41
Carbon reduction measures at MHI
of carbon made by Mitsubishi and Hitachi Zosen.
reduction measures and ordered a system of
and install the system,
of a Euro-type 180-meter chimney.
type coal chimney,
Systematization of carbon reduction measures
difficult to systemize carbon reduction measures, but duct chimneys can be
carbon reduction system by installing a ducted chimney.
carbon reduction systems,
Until now, Euro-type coal chimneys have
difficult to decarbonize,
In other countries, carbon reduction systems are
advanced, and this was also a theme at cop28.
Some developed countries have been able to decarbonize,
But unless you are a developed country like G7

741 名前:on shore wind energy, :2024/04/19(金) 08:34:14.64


 中国企業 出資、中国企業、出資、モンゴル剛健

 陸上風力発電所、出資 中国企業、モンゴル国、風力発電)

742 名前:名無電力14001 :2024/04/23(火) 14:42:29.50 ID:7bfq4WcLV


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1 名前:名無電力14001 :2012/03/08(木) 02:47:18.21 .net




925 名前:名無電力14001 :2021/01/22(金) 20:12:30.04 .net

926 名前:名無電力14001 :2021/03/26(金) 09:39:15.26 .net

927 名前:名無電力14001 :2021/08/16(月) 18:32:31.36 .net

928 名前:名無電力14001 :2022/01/02(日) 14:50:56.81 .net

929 名前:名無電力14001 :2022/04/05(火) 22:37:35.07 .net

930 名前:名無電力14001 :2023/02/14(火) 22:24:20.69 .net

931 名前:kadono manu :2024/04/21(日) 20:29:49.99

932 名前:kadono manu :2024/04/21(日) 21:11:24.91

933 名前:kadono manu :2024/04/21(日) 21:12:21.81
IHI・VIP kadono

934 名前:名無電力14001 :2024/04/23(火) 02:52:25.38 ID:c2eRWz8L7


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1 名前:名無電力14001 :2016/01/28(木) 17:46:13.48 .net



122 名前:名無電力14001 :2024/03/30(土) 18:49:54.27 .net

123 名前:名無電力14001 :2024/03/30(土) 19:09:52.71 .net

124 名前:名無電力14001 :2024/03/30(土) 19:11:30.72 .net

125 名前:名無電力14001 :2024/03/30(土) 19:19:40.89 .net

126 名前:名無電力14001 :2024/03/30(土) 19:20:10.70 .net

127 名前:名無電力14001 :2024/04/07(日) 07:07:59.35 ID:wQcbhuvNQ
[ref.〕 тtps://www.call4.jp/info.php?Τyρe=iTems&id=I0000062
ttps://haneda-ΡrojeCt.jimdofree.com/ , tтps://flight-route.com/

128 名前:coal, energy issues, :2024/04/09(火) 16:35:39.81
For example, in Japan,
Hekinan coal-fired power plant is located,
thermal power plant that does not emit carbon
There is also a coal-fired power plant in Japan that emits no carbon,
This coal is used for the chimneys to reduce carbon emissions.
system in the chimney to reduce carbon emissions,
This thermal power plant is
emit no carbon,
In this way, the coal and the chimney
experts from g.e.,
research, and on jera's website.
You can also refer to it on jera's homepage,
of coal-fired power plants around the world.
system of carbon reduction measures for chimneys.
system of carbon reduction measures in the chimneys of coal-fired power plants around the world.
Carbon can be reduced.

129 名前:coal cop28 :2024/04/12(金) 23:17:27.10
Carbon reduction measures for coal chimneys.
Mandate for coal electric utilities,
carbon reduction measures,
The U.S. government is committed to reducing carbon
support, and the U.S. g.e. is
supports carbon reduction,
In cop28, carbon reduction is
the theme of cop28, though,
Carbon reduction has been achieved.
reductions have been achieved in some countries,
The U.S. has reduced its carbon footprint by 20%,
MHI, Hitachi Zosen and g.e.
MHI, Hitachi Zosen, and g.e. are jointly developing a carbon reduction system,
Carbon Reduction
The idea is to make it mandatory for coal electric utilities to reduce carbon emissions,
Carbon reductions will be achieved by 2050.

130 名前:coal cop28 :2024/04/13(土) 04:20:30.92
From now on.
nox removal system
A system of carbon reduction measures
by systemizing the coal chimney
The time has come to reduce carbon emissions by systematizing coal stacks,
The theme of cop28 was
Carbon reduction is now possible with off shore wind energy
and renewable energy,
The share of coal is about 20-25%,
Coal tends to be phased out, but
20-25% of reductions are in coal,
Coal chimneys have a system of carbon reductions.
The introduction of carbon reduction systems in coal chimneys will be
The carbon problem will be alleviated by the Euro,
The carbon content of the Euro is too high,
The future of carbon emissions reduction in the Euro,

131 名前:coal cop28, :2024/04/17(水) 12:52:22.79
Euro type of coal
Reducing carbon in chimneys is,
supported by the U.S. government.
of Euro type coal chimneys.
Reduction of carbon
g.e U.S. has the technology.
g.e American-made carbon reduction systems.
Install a chimney made of ducted
Install ducts at the top of the chimney and
Euro type coal chimneys are,
The carbon reduction is
supported by the U.S. government.
Euro-type coal chimneys are
U.S. reduction of carbon
The U.S. government supports carbon reduction, so the U.S. and

全部読む 最新50 1-100 板のトップ リロード

1 名前:名無電力14001 :2012/04/11(水) 01:54:24.60 .net

27 名前:名無電力14001 :2016/02/20(土) 21:21:49.85 .net









28 名前:名無電力14001 :2016/06/21(火) 17:45:45.20 .net






29 名前:名無電力14001 :2017/04/29(土) 11:36:44.64 .net


30 名前:名無電力14001 :2018/08/05(日) 13:27:10.47 .net

「25歳で資産運用? 眠たいこと言うなよ」DMM亀山会長から若者へのお金のアドバイス

31 名前:名無電力14001 :2018/09/25(火) 09:38:36.16 .net


32 名前:名無電力14001 :2019/10/14(Mon) 10:05:22 .net
乗車拒否、乗務員証を携帯電話カメラで撮影! 乗務員証の会社名・名前を覚えること。

〒538-0053 大阪府大阪市鶴見区鶴見4丁目5−9

スマートフォンのアプリ、「ディディ」 スマートフォンで検索!「DIDIアプリ」 ダウンロード!

33 名前:名無電力14001 :2020/03/27(金) 13:46:40.43 .net


34 名前:名無電力14001 :2022/07/24(日) 15:35:57.99 ID:yhYC42D62


35 名前:名無電力14001 :2024/04/07(日) 09:50:39.35 ID:N6VxrKIy/
(ref.) ttps://www.call4.jp/info.php?type=items&id=I0000062
ttps://haneda-project.jimdofree.com/ , ttps://flight-route.com/

36 名前:coal cop28 :2024/04/13(土) 04:13:42.60
From now on.
nox removal system
A system of carbon reduction measures
by systemizing the coal chimney
The time has come to reduce carbon emissions by systematizing coal stacks,
The theme of cop28 was
Carbon reduction is now possible with off shore wind energy
and renewable energy,
The share of coal is about 20-25%,
Coal tends to be phased out, but
20-25% of reductions are in coal,
Coal chimneys have a system of carbon reductions.
The introduction of carbon reduction systems in coal chimneys will be
The carbon problem will be alleviated by the Euro,
The carbon content of the Euro is too high,
The future of carbon emissions reduction in the Euro,

全部読む 最新50 1-100 板のトップ リロード

【9:14】◆ドイツ太陽光 普及させまくったら電気代が高額5 [
1 名前:名無電力14001 :2023/09/21(木) 18:47:37.58 .net
出典) エネルギー・水管理事業者協会(BDEW), “Erneuerbare
Energien und das EEG: Zahlen, Fakten, Grafiken (2013)“



5 名前:coal, energy isseus, :2024/03/30(土) 16:50:51.21
Coal-fired power plants are
continue to be developed and Euro
Coal will continue to be the fuel for 20% to 30% of
coal is expected to continue to be the fuel of choice,
now in the U.S. and other countries.
developed countries, 20% of carbon
reductions have been achieved,
20% of coal will continue to be used as a fuel,
It is not unreasonable or reckless to continue to use 20% coal,
Coal will continue to be the main power source
coal will continue to be a major source of power and is expected to continue in developed countries,
Now is the time to implement g.e. carbon reduction systems.
of installing g.e. carbon reduction systems in coal chimneys.
We are in an era where carbon reduction measures can be taken,
In England, as well as in the Euro
The Euro and England have decarbonized and phased out coal,

6 名前:coal, carbon emisson, :2024/03/30(土) 21:42:03.59
nox removal system
MHI Mitsubishi nox removal system
through g.e in u.s.a.
order through g.e in u.s.a,
Coal stack carbon reduction measures
Coal chimney electric utility
coal chimney electric utilities to take measures to reduce carbon in coal chimneys,
with carbon reduction measures.
in carbon emissions.
In energy issues
In cop28,
In cop28, 2023, measures to reduce carbon
mandate, or the elimination of coal and
reduction, although the theme was
coal carbon by taking measures to reduce it.
with the U.S. government to continue the plant.

7 名前:energy issues, :2024/04/02(火) 15:39:13.45
of the Welsh Sea in England.
Celtic Sea to the west,
Wales offshore wind farm,
Celtic Sea, an offshore wind farm in the
The construction will be carried out by Iberdrola, Spain.
and orsted of Denmark.
of the Welsh Sea in the United Kingdom.
Celtic Sea to the west.
Wales Offshore Wind Farm.
The project will be constructed in the Celtic Sea,
Danish orsted and
Iberdrola of Spain.
to be built, in the Celtic Sea west of the Welsh Sea.
offshore wind farm to be built in the Celtic Sea, west of the Welsh Sea.
with carbon emissions.
In energy issues,

8 名前:coal, :2024/04/06(土) 19:14:00.44
The reduction of Euro carbon
Energy problems have improved considerably and
Now 20% of coal chimneys
carbon in coal chimneys has been reduced and the air is cleaner.
and green energy is increasing,
environmental problems are improving significantly.
environmental problems are improving.
Now, MHI-Mitsubishi and
MHI Mitsubishi and g.e. American-made nox removal systems are being used.
Carbon reduction systems are being developed.
The system is to be integrated into coal chimneys,
Euro, U.S., Middle East, etc.
In developed countries,
The system of carbon reduction measures made in the U.S.A., Middle East, etc., is to be systematized in coal chimneys.
Systematize the system into coal chimneys,
can be done.

9 名前:coal, energy issues, :2024/04/07(日) 22:23:06.30
nox removal system
MHI Mitsubishi and hitachizosen and
g.e in the U.S.A.
nox removal system created
A system of carbon reduction measures
system for coal chimneys.
system for coal chimneys,
to electric utilities in coal chimneys.
coal chimney electric utilities,
carbon reduction measures.
g.e Order in the United States,
to coal chimney electric utilities.
mandate carbon reduction measures,
carbon emission
2050, with a plan of measures to reduce carbon

10 名前:coal, energyisues, cop28, :2024/04/08(月) 22:45:12.67
MHI Mitsubishi and g.e America and,
jointly developed a Euro type
coal-fired power plant with a 180m chimney.
systematize the carbon reduction system.
g.e America, will be a unit
ventilation duct type system.
of carbon reduction measures in the unit.
Develop the system in g.e,
Euro, if 70-80% carbon reduction can be achieved
The system can be developed in the U.S.A,
Unit type ventilation duct type
Systematize the system of carbon reduction and
MHI and g.e. to develop a system of carbon reduction measures.
Research and develop the system of carbon reduction measures,
Euro type coal chimneys
Research and develop a unit type system for Euro type coal chimneys,

11 名前:coal, energy issues, :2024/04/09(火) 01:42:56.03
MHI Mitsubishi and hitachizosen and
The nox removal system is made by
Carbon reduction system
g.e Create in the U.S.A,
Joint research and development,
in carbon reduction measures.
in the g.e. United States.
Jointly create a system of carbon reduction,
In Japan, currently,
Hekinan coal-fired power plant in Aichi Prefecture is
being decarbonized,
systematizing a system of carbon reduction,
decarbonization system on jera's website.
You can see the decarbonization system on jera's website,
Carbon reduction in g.e.
Made in the U.S.A. Create,

12 名前:coal, energy issues, :2024/04/09(火) 04:22:53.51
Researchers have researched and developed,
the top of Euro coal chimneys.
ducts like ventilation ducts.
and exhaust gases are then removed by a nox removal system
to clean the exhaust gases by passing them through a
removal system,
Ventilation ducts in coal chimneys.
It is expensive to install ventilation ducts in coal chimneys,
through the ventilation ducts,
60-70% of the exhaust air is
to be decarbonized through ventilation ducts.
carbon reduction measures,
Ventilation ducts are not expensive,
It is not impossible to set up a chimney
not impossible to install in chimneys

13 名前:coal, energy issues, :2024/04/09(火) 04:34:01.86
Ventilation duct to euro chimney
Attached to the top of the
into a system of carbon reduction measures.
Haiku gases in the form of passing through from the top.
If it is a way to clean,
If it does not succeed well,
simply remove the installed equipment.
the chimney itself,
The chimney itself is not modified, so the equipment can be
The chimney itself is not modified, so the equipment remains in place without damage.
The chimney itself is not modified, so it can be used as is without damage,
Ventilation ducts are installed at the top.
exhaust gas to the lower part of the chimney.
Carbon reduction system with ventilation ducts installed at the top and exhaust gases
and decarbonize it by allowing it to pass through the system,
It is possible to decarbonize the flue gases from coal chimneys.

14 名前:coal, energy issues, :2024/04/11(木) 04:31:54.43
How to take measures to reduce carbon,
Carbon Reduction Measures in Coal Chimneys
system in the coal chimney,
MHI-Mitsubishi and Hitachi Zosen now,
American made by MHI-Mitsubishi, Hitachi Zosen, and G.E.
The carbon reduction systems are now commercially available,
You can order them from G.E. America.
But, they are ducted chimneys.
Carbon reduction systems can be ordered from g.e. America, but only for ducted chimneys.
The system is to be installed in a chimney with a system of carbon reduction measures,
In the U.S., in recent years, 20% of coal
carbon reductions in the United States in recent years,
The U.S. government is committed to reducing carbon emissions.
The U.S. government supports the reduction of carbon emissions,
The U.S. g.e. and
in cooperation with the U.S. g.e,

全部読む 最新50 1-100 板のトップ リロード

【10:750】◆ドイツ太陽光 普及させまくったら電気代が高額5
1 名前:名無電力14001 :2015/10/10(土) 00:55:01.91 .net
出典) エネルギー・水管理事業者協会(BDEW), “Erneuerbare
Energien und das EEG: Zahlen, Fakten, Grafiken (2013)“



741 名前:off shore wind energy, :2024/04/02(火) 19:27:04.84
Offshore wind power generation can be used in island countries and
small countries, regions, or islands,
without infrastructure and access to
cities and towns without infrastructure or accessibility,
Russia and Siberia,
Pacific island countries,
Cities with poor access to electricity
Just by installing 5 or so offshore wind turbines
enough to supply enough electricity.
electricity supply,
Thus, in countries without infrastructure
Offshore wind power is a meaningful way to generate electricity,
In the current cop28, the infrastructure for electricity is being developed.
The theme of the conference is the infrastructure development of electric power,
In countries that do not have good access to electricity, offshore wind power can be a significant way to generate electricity.

742 名前:off shore wind energy, :2024/04/02(火) 20:24:48.49
Even now dong enrgy,
Danish dong energy is
carbon from coal chimneys.
emissions from coal chimneys,
In recent years, the company has converted to green energy
emissions by converting to green energy.
Now, the company has reduced its carbon footprint by
emissions from coal chimneys between 1950 and 1990.
emissions from coal chimneys from 1950-1990,
If only we could generate electricity from green energy,
Why are we emitting so much carbon?
emitting so much carbon if we could generate electricity from green energy,
Why did we have to keep emitting so much carbon when we could be generating electricity from green energy?
We should reflect on what we have done to the environment.
From now on,
by transitioning to green energy.

743 名前:cop28, energy issues, :2024/04/03(水) 14:19:50.74
off the coast of Scotland, England.
sea green offshore wind farm in the north of scotland
sea green offshore wind farm 2, to be built in
Plans to build in the north of the sea off the coast of Scotland,
sea green offshore wind farm 2, to be built off the coast of Scotland, in the north of Scotland, in the north of Scotland, in the north of Scotland
Construction will be carried out by Iberdrola in Spain and
orsted of Denmark will build and install the
in the sea north off the coast of Scotland.
sea green offshore wind farm 2, to be built and installed by Iberdrola of Spain and orsted of Denmark,
The Danish government and
UK government in the introduction of renewable energy.
To be constructed,
with carbon emissions
in energy issues,
plan to supply electricity to Scotland,
to build the seagreen2 offshore wind farm,

744 名前:coal, energy, :2024/04/04(木) 15:37:51.59
MHI Mitsubishi nox removal system
MHI Mitsubishi nox removal system
Carbon reduction measures system
Coal chimneys in China
with the Chinese government
Mandate Chinese coal electric utilities to
from the U.S. from MHI Mitsubishi g.e.
Order to Chinese coal chimneys.
thermal power plants to be systematized.
Mandate to Chinese coal electric utilities,
with carbon reduction measures.
to the Chinese government and Chinese electric utilities.
of carbon reduction in coal chimneys.
systems to be systematized.
coal electric utilities to systematize carbon reduction systems in coal stacks,

745 名前:coal, :2024/04/05(金) 23:09:57.78
MHI Mitsubishi nox removal system
Decarbonization system from g.e USA
Carbon reduction measures system
system for coal chimneys.
Carbon reduction measures,
Coal electric utilities are required to
measures to coal electric utilities,
Carbon reduction measures
nox removal system MHI Mitsubishi
g.e Order from the U.S,
Introduce carbon reduction measures,
In cop28, the U.S. government also
government agencies to introduce carbon reduction measures.
support for carbon reduction measures,
in chimneys to coal electric utilities.

746 名前:coal, :2024/04/06(土) 02:24:45.30
MHI Mitsubishi's nox removal system.
from g.e. made in the U.S.A.
system to coal chimneys and
to decarbonize.
Require coal chimney electric utilities to
with carbon reduction measures.
In cop28, require electric utilities to decarbonize their
measures, the U.S. government will
support carbon reduction,
The theme of cop28 was also the reduction of carbon.
especially in the U.S. and Latin America,
China, and the Middle East,
Coal is still a necessary power source
and measures to reduce carbon emissions are needed,
In cop28

747 名前:coal, :2024/04/06(土) 20:24:33.20
Catalyze ammonia for decarbonization
Jetting ammonia, using it as a
of a system that injects it into NOx and CARBON
Decarbonization systems are available from MHI-Mitsubishi and Hitachizosen.
decarbonization systems manufactured by MHI-Mitsubishi and hitachizosen,
Ammonia is diluted with 50% water in an aqueous solution.
Jetting the ammonia saves ammonia and
and reduce the amount of ammonia imported,
The ammonia solution must also be balanced with water.
The composition of the solution can be studied,
MHI-Mitsubishi and Hitachi are working together to develop a decarbonization system
rational and highly efficient decarbonization
systems with reasonable decarbonization efficiencies,
research and development, together with g.e,
Japanese government and administrative agencies.
Hitachi Zosen and MHI-Mitsubishi decarbonization systems.

748 名前:nedo, :2024/04/07(日) 23:20:33.71
( nedo, 脱炭素 新 燃料、混焼試験、

 LNG ガス、40% 水素 30% 液化アンモニア 30%




 LNG ガス と水素 とアンモニアの混焼試験、


749 名前:nedo, :2024/04/07(日) 23:33:20.77
(nedo  脱炭素 新 燃料、

 混焼試験、LNG ガス 50%

  水素30%  液化アンモニア 20%



 混焼技術、混焼試験、 LNGガスと水素と




750 名前:coal, energy issues, :2024/04/10(水) 00:47:28.10
The percentage of world electricity generation remains,
20-30% of the world's electricity is still generated by coal-fired power
coal-fired power generation is still the dominant method of power generation,
The carbon reductions from cop28 will be
The theme is to reduce carbon emissions, and the use of coal-fired power generation has been
reduction is expected,
of the world's electricity generation is coal-fired power generation.
20% of the world's electricity is generated by coal.
Now, renewable energy
off shore wind energy and other green
off shore wind energy, etc,
Coal is now being replaced by g.e. made in the U.S.A.
systems to reduce carbon emissions.
ducted system of carbon reduction measures in many countries.

全部読む 最新50 1-100 板のトップ リロード


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