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【邪馬台国】「死せる孔明 卑弥呼を・・・」孔明死去→仲達→公孫氏(朝鮮)征伐→卑弥呼、魏に従属  [しじみ★]

530 :名無しのひみつ:2020/06/23(火) 21:14:04.49 ID:uo48RLLY.net
3S policy, Panama document and St. Kolbe

The country knew the atomic bomb would be dropped

Heaven is angry at child abuse, discrimination, prejudice, good people, dressed society, money-making capitalists and disparity society

Five major elements, all earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, large typhoons
A great blow to the earthlings who can not help

El Shadai declaration

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