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LゴジラVSエヴァンゲリオン part8

1 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2024/04/29(月) 12:09:09.48 ID:JfXkQBNI0NIKU.net

2 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2024/04/29(月) 12:14:20.90 ID:Mt7bxZmb0NIKU.net


3 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2024/04/29(月) 12:16:37.32 ID:Mt7bxZmb0NIKU.net

good news. i gained control of your devices, thanks to your predilection for pron .
as a matter of fact, it was those publics that helped me.
one of them had my exploit on it and it worked.
what that means to you is that i can see everything that happens on your screen and in front of your screen.

if you doubt it then don't read any further into this letter.
i'm not wasting my time on you either and i'm just gonna post all this crap
with you on every possible website and social networks and send it out to all your contacts.

i made a copy of your most interesting files and i also have the contact addresses you use most often.
+ i have your browsing history. i have everything i need .

at first i wanted to delete all content from your devices and forget about it.
but i took a look at the sites that you regularly visit and i changed my mind.
i'm talking about sites with all kinds of nasty stuff on them.

after a while, i had an idea. i took screenshots of website pages where you spend your time alone.
then i took screenshots of you satisfying yourself using the camera of one of your devices.
(by the way, i had to wait for you to successfully to get in the camera lens).
but it was worth it and it will impress to all your acquaintances and regular people on the internet.

to cut a long story short i'll make you a deal:
You wire me the money and I'll delete all that shit about you and we'll forget about each other.

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