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【物理】二重スリット実験では1つの粒子が2つの経路に分割されている、広島大が確認 [すらいむ★]

319 :名無しのひみつ:2022/05/09(月) 06:47:49 ID:XUQcc1mL.net


Here, we experimentally investigate the possibility that an individual neutron moving through a two-path interferometer may actually be physically distributed between the two paths.
For this purpose, it is important to distinguish between the probability of finding the complete particle in one of the paths and the distribution of an individual particle over both paths.
We accomplish this distinction by applying a magnetic field in only one of the paths and observing the exact value of its effect on the neutron spin in the two output ports of the interferometer.
The results show that individual particles experience a specific fraction of the magnetic field applied in one of the paths,
indicating that a fraction or even a multiple of the particle was present in the path before the interference of the two paths was registered.
The obtained path presence equals the weak value of the path projector and is not a statistical average but applies to every individual neutron, verified by the recently introduced method of feedback compensation.

総レス数 1005
301 KB

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read.cgi ver 2014.07.20.01.SC 2014/07/20 D ★