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1 :傍聴席@名無しさんでいっぱい:2018/12/01(土) 00:47:43.62 ID:4lsyZA0v0.net

2 :傍聴席@名無しさんでいっぱい:2018/12/01(土) 01:20:41.27 ID:32cNiCqX0.net
Goodwill and sophisticated society, Panama document and President Truman's 3S policy

According to information published by Keane, Chris Cornell is under the Clinton administration to work on child protection services in Haiti
Although I was involved, in fact I learned that it is a child trafficking organization, from there, in the government, the media, in the entertainment world
Two people have obtained a list of people conducting human trafficking and child sexual relations and said that they intended to release the full name in full.

3 :傍聴席@名無しさんでいっぱい:2018/12/01(土) 02:56:58.16 ID:32cNiCqX0.net
3S Policy Causes the ResultTruman of Panama document and 3S policy

We are keeping the citizens in a cage named "Freedom of Falsehood".
The way you just give them some luxury and convenience.Then release sports, screen, sex (3S).
Because the citizens are our livestock. For that reason, we must make it longevity. It makes it sick
(with chemicals etc.) and keeps it alive.This will keep us harvesting. This is also the authority
of the victorious country.The medal and the Nobel prize is not all Raoul declarationExamples of 3S policy
Hypocrites and disguised society and Panama document "He moved here here two years ago, I was afraid
of looking, but I thought it was a polite person to greet" Hello "when I saw it ... It was not like I was waking
this kind of incident ... ... "(Neighboring residents)On November 7, Shosuke Hotta, 42, a self-proclaimed office
worker in Sagamihara City, Kanagawa Prefecture, was arrested on suspicion of abusing her daughter Sakurai Ai.
This is the nature of the Earthlings

4 :傍聴席@名無しさんでいっぱい:2018/12/01(土) 18:57:18.79 ID:tROuKSUK0.net


5 : ̄ ̄\| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄:2018/12/06(木) 22:09:22.78 ID:dK4ycq9i0.net
   |/-O-O-ヽ| ブツブツ・・・
   | . : )'e'( : . | ハァハァ
   ` ‐-=-‐  オレハカミサマダァァァァ
   /    \
||\ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ \
||\\.          \      ∧_∧
||. .\\          \    ( ;´Д`) (しつけえんだよ負け犬w)
.    \\          \ /    ヽ.
.      \\         / .|   | |
.        \∧_∧   (⌒\|__./ ./
         ( ´,_・・`)目合わせるなって ∧_∧
.         _/   ヽ          \  (     ) 見えない敵と戦ってる統合失調症野郎w

6 :傍聴席@名無しさんでいっぱい:2018/12/08(土) 13:52:02.58 ID:vmWU5pKD0.net

7 :傍聴席@名無しさんでいっぱい:2019/02/06(水) 14:50:35.32 ID:av+MT4bH0.net

冤罪殺人や誤判損害の裁判官が多すぎますから、国民から強烈に批判されてますね( >Д<;)


99.9 -刑事専門弁護士-


8 : ̄ ̄\| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄:2019/02/06(水) 20:29:05.90 ID:vwXlxxPp0.net
   |/-O-O-ヽ| ブツブツ・・・
   | . : )'e'( : . | ハァハァ
   ` ‐-=-‐  オレハカミサマダァァァァ
   /    \
||\ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ \
||\\.          \      ∧_∧
||. .\\          \    ( ;´Д`) (なんなんだよこのオッサンw)
.    \\          \ /    ヽ.
.      \\         / .|   | |
.        \∧_∧   (⌒\|__./ ./
         ( ´,_・・`)目合わせるなって ∧_∧
.         _/   ヽ          \  (     ) 見えない敵と戦ってる統合失調症野郎w

9 :永和信用金庫の顧問弁護士は殺されて当然です:2019/02/13(水) 14:24:45.26 ID:uYfAH8jh0.net

10 : ̄ ̄\| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄:2019/02/13(水) 22:19:13.50 ID:4xiFLCFy0.net
   |/-O-O-ヽ| ブツブツ・・・
   | . : )'e'( : . | ハァハァ
   ` ‐-=-‐  オレハカミサマダァァァァ
   /    \
||\ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ \
||\\.          \      ∧_∧
||. .\\          \    ( ;´Д`) (なんなんだよこのオッサンw)
.    \\          \ /    ヽ.
.      \\         / .|   | |
.        \∧_∧   (⌒\|__./ ./
         ( ´,_・・`)目合わせるなって ∧_∧
.         _/   ヽ          \  (     ) 見えない敵と戦ってる統合失調症野郎w

11 :傍聴席@名無しさんでいっぱい:2019/02/15(金) 15:02:35.38 ID:HyAMYi2X0.net

12 :傍聴席@名無しさんでいっぱい:2019/02/15(金) 16:06:30.73 ID:I6cdo/xg0.net

13 : ̄ ̄\| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄:2019/02/15(金) 23:08:43.81 ID:V1edJVqc0.net
   |/-O-O-ヽ| ブツブツ・・・
   | . : )'e'( : . | ハァハァ
   ` ‐-=-‐  オレハカミサマダァァァァ
   /    \
||\ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ \
||\\.          \      ∧_∧
||. .\\          \    ( ;´Д`) (なんなんだよこのオッサンw)
.    \\          \ /    ヽ.
.      \\         / .|   | |
.        \∧_∧   (⌒\|__./ ./
         ( ´,_・・`)目合わせるなって ∧_∧
.         _/   ヽ          \  (     ) 見えない敵と戦ってる統合失調症野郎w

14 :永和信用金庫の顧問弁護士とは殺すか殺されるかサテドッチ戦争です:2019/02/16(土) 09:24:31.45 ID:ExysI4MX0.net

15 : ̄ ̄\| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄:2019/02/17(日) 09:45:29.09 ID:8B5i5atC0.net
   |/-O-O-ヽ| ブツブツ・・・
   | . : )'e'( : . | ハァハァ
   ` ‐-=-‐  オレハカミサマダァァァァ
   /    \
||\ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ \
||\\.          \      ∧_∧
||. .\\          \    ( ;´Д`) (なんなんだよこのオッサンw)
.    \\          \ /    ヽ.
.      \\         / .|   | |
.        \∧_∧   (⌒\|__./ ./
         ( ´,_・・`)目合わせるなって ∧_∧
.         _/   ヽ          \  (     ) 見えない敵と戦ってる統合失調症野郎w

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