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【半導体】TSMC、熊本工場投資1兆円に拡大 デンソーも出資 [田杉山脈★]

531 :名刺は切らしておりまして:2022/04/27(水) 13:25:16.98 ID:UrzSaoJx.net

TSMC alone uses almost 5% of all Taiwan’s electricity, according to figures
from Greenpeace, predicted to rise to 7.2% in 2022, and it used about 63m
tons of water in 2019. The company’s water use became a controversial
topic during Taiwan’s drought this year, the country’s worst in a half
century, which pitted chipmakers against farmers.
In the US, a single fab, Intel’s 700-acre campus in Ocotillo, Arizona,
produced nearly 15,000 tons of waste in the first three months of this
year, about 60% of it hazardous. It also consumed 927m gallons of fresh
water, enough to fill about 1,400 Olympic swimming pools, and used 561m
kilowatt-hours of energy.

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