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170 :名刺は切らしておりまして:2016/01/23(土) 23:34:10.76 ID:5jnNC/p3.net

Toward a true excellent company
The ICT industry has been entering the age of revolution. The paradigm shit, took place in the early 00’s, removed
various chasms between businesses, making their core competence commodities, and, as a result, we are being
shadowed by an unfathomable stagnation. LIG is stably growing with a full commitment to our fortes of the fact
based blue ocean strategy - the benefit creation business.

Charisma on social networking
Everyone uses SNS these days. I believe that, driving further, the knowledge-based contents marketing strategy,
one of our assets, can make many impacts on society. Furthermore, I’m sure that our risk hedge methods, out of
every employee as a polyvalent, will become a de-facto standard in society with more efficiency gained through

actively formed alliances with other businesses.

This is our real. What is real in LIG?
I reckon it’s what is unlimitedly freedom, agile and innovative. What scheme will we secure shrunk budgets with? - it’s the
opportunity management that is a key. We keep turning PDCA with constant challenges, thinking interactively with the
constant initiative, and authorizing things. LIG’s real is around beyond said feeling, even though it’s just an idea.

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read.cgi ver 2014.07.20.01.SC 2014/07/20 D ★