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737 :日出づる処の名無し:2016/11/11(金) 19:06:54.17 ID:iKniCzlJ.net
Fri Nov 11, 2016 | 2:16am EST
Trump sees Japan's Abe as ally in push back against China: adviser
REUTERS/Soe Zeya Tun
(push back:後ろへ押しやる、かきあげる、後退させる)

U.S. President-elect Donald Trump's meeting next week with Japanese Prime
Minister Shinzo Abe may mark the start of talks to garner Japan's support for
a push back against China's growing influence in Asia, a security adviser to
Trump said.
Trump's campaign comments, including a demand Japan pay more for the upkeep
of U.S. forces on its soil, have worried Tokyo about a rift in a security
alliance with Washington, in the face of a rising China and a volatile North
Korea, that has been the bedrock of its defense since World War Two.

A tougher stance against China, however, and a call for Japan to play a bigger
security role through a Trump-Abe axis would however fit with Abe's hawkish
policies that include allowing the military to operate more freely overseas.

Trump was looking to Japan "to play a more active role in Asia", the adviser,
who declined to be identified because he was not authorized to talk to the
media, told Reuters.

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