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【政治経済】平成床屋談義 町の噂その680 sageteoff/ageteoff

617 :日出づる処の名無し:2016/11/10(木) 22:27:13.28 ID:EVxmRwP8.net
・・・The disenfranchised, often living lives of great precariousness, arose and spoke.
Clinton never quite seemed to understand their frustrations, as her challenger for the
Democratic nomination, Bernie Sanders, did.・・・
Barack Obama is popular, but racism did not die with America’s first black president.
Sexism is also alive and well, as Trump’s misogyny-sullied road to victory illustrates.
For some Americans -- and this is painful to admit -- a woman following a black man
to the White House was simply too much to swallow.・・・

・・・the anxieties that powerful women provoke in both genders.・・・

・・・Clinton won almost 90 percent of urban cores, while Trump won the vast majority --
between 75 and 90 percent -- of suburbs, small cities and rural areas. Though these latter
geographies are more sparsely populated, they were home to the majority of voters this election.

・・・in eight states (plus Washington, D.C.) weed will be legal for recreational purposes,
and in sum, 28 will have some kind of legalization on the books.
It’s a good thing that a large chunk of America will soon be able toke up at their leisure,
because for the next four years, we are really going to need it.・・・

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