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【政治経済】平成床屋談義 町の噂その680 sageteoff/ageteoff

608 :日出づる処の名無し:2016/11/10(木) 22:05:33.29 ID:EVxmRwP8.net
・・・Donald Trump's supporters saw experience and qualifications as huge negatives.
So many people I spoke to during this campaign - especially in the old steel towns of the Rust Belt -
wanted a businessman in the White House rather than a career politician.
Their hatred of Washington was palpable. ・・・She was seen as the high priestess of an east coast
elite that looked down, sneeringly, on working people.
The vast riches that the Clintons accumulated since leaving the White House did not help.
The former first couple were seen not just as limousine liberals but Lear Jet liberals. Again,
their wealth exacerbated her problems with working class voters, even though they happily
voted for a property tycoon. ・・・


The Democratic Party Establishment Is Finished・・・
The Democrats will now control next to nothing above the municipal level.・・・
She was a bad candidate, with no message beyond heckling the opposite sideline.
She was a total misfit for both the politics of 2016 and the energy of the Democratic Party
as currently constituted. She could not escape her baggage, and she must own that failure herself.
Theoretically smart people in the Democratic Party should have known that.
And yet they worked giddily to clear the field for her.・・・

・・・He didn’t win the election. Clinton lost it.
For voters who couldn’t stand Trump, she was a terrible alternative. Never a great candidate,
she was also, tragically, a Clinton when people were ready to move on. ・・・

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