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【政治経済】平成床屋談義 町の噂その680 sageteoff/ageteoff

596 :日出づる処の名無し:2016/11/10(木) 21:27:55.96 ID:67cBbpVO.net
Does Donald Trump’s victory presage a win for Marine Le Pen?
It remains improbable. But it would be unwise to rule it out
Nov 9th 2016 | Europe
ドナルド・トランプの勝利は国民戦線のMarine Le Penの大統領への道を開くか?

Now, the unthinkable has become conceivable. There was no disguising the
delight in Paris at the FN headquarters.

Certainly, the parallels between Ms Le Pen and Mr Trump are striking. Both
trade on simplified truths and build politics on rejection and nostalgia.
They have both reinvented themselves as anti-establishment outsiders, who
stand up for people forgotten by the system and scorned by the elite.
They speak to the same white working-class rage, use similar vocabulary,
and thrive each time the establishment sneers at them. Drawing her own
personal strength from the old industrial and mining towns of northern
France, which once voted Communist, Ms Le Pen is now the favourite politician
among French working-class voters.

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