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【国民主権党】 平塚正幸さゆふらっとまうんど Part364 【フェニックス】

63 :名無しさん@実況は禁止ですよ (テテンテンテン MM4f-rTE1):2023/02/06(月) 07:14:21.63 ID:69JWolNzM.net
Anti-vax politician reportedly fathers child with a 13 year old girl: National Sovereignty Party leader Masayuki Hiratsuka, 40, famous for anti-vax “Corona is the Common Cold” campaign slogan reportedly impregnated a 2nd grade JHS student who has since given birth to his child

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read.cgi ver 2014.07.20.01.SC 2014/07/20 D ★