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【イギリス】33歳の暴力女が裁判所の女性係員を殴り警備員の顔につばを吐き警察官を蹴り頭突きを食らわせようとして逮捕 [08/15] [SQNY★]

69 :七つの海の名無しさん:2020/08/17(月) 20:57:43.84 ID:mzu1Z+ie.net
It is a fundamental principle of international law in time of war that a belligerent has not
an unlimited right in chosing the means of injuring the enemy, and should not use such weapons,
projectiles, and other material as cause unnecessary pain;
and these are each expressly stipulated in the annex of the Convention respecting the Laws
and Customs of War on Land and artices 22 and 23(e) of the Regulations respecting the Laws and Customs of War on Land.

Since the beginning of the present World War, the Government of the United States has
declared repeatedly that the use of poison or other inhumane methods of warfare has been regarded
as illegal by the pubic opin-ion in civilized countries,
and that the United States would not use these methods of warfare unless the other countries used these first.

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