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【イギリス】33歳の暴力女が裁判所の女性係員を殴り警備員の顔につばを吐き警察官を蹴り頭突きを食らわせようとして逮捕 [08/15] [SQNY★]

67 :七つの海の名無しさん:2020/08/17(月) 20:56:59.71 ID:mzu1Z+ie.net
Protest against the Attack of a New-Type Bomb by American Airplane:

On the 6th of this month, an airplane of the United States dropped a new-type bomb
on the urban district of the city of Hiroshima, and it killed and wounded a large number of the citizens
and destroyed the bulk of the city.
The city of Hiroshima is an crdinary local city which is not provided with any military defensive preparations or establishments,
and the whole city has not a character of a military objective.
In the statement on the aerial bom-bardment in this case,
the United States President “Truman” asserts that they will destroy docks, factories and transport facilities.

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