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ソフトシンセ総合 part43

160 :名無しサンプリング@48kHz (ワッチョイ ff02-qzz1):2022/11/29(火) 23:24:49.22 ID:4T/dOKOq0.net

https://www.facebook.com/ROLI/ のメッセージで
Is the roli.com support email system currently down?
I have not received any reply.
と自分のメールアドレスとSupport ticket番号を書いたら

Hi, thanks for getting in touch!
Our Support System is currently up and running, but our team is quite busy so response time can be a few days.
I can see that no one has yet responded to your inquiry on ticket xxxxxx.
My apologies for the delay.
In response to your question, yes, we are offering a Black Friday discount on the Cypher2 and Strobe2.


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