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【2021】MotoGP総合 511周目【ヘレス〜】

246 :774RR:2021/05/02(日) 23:39:19.34 ID:7EG4Y2w3.net
アコスタが18歳になるのは2022年5月25日だから来年motoGPはレギュレーションで無理だよ Minimum age

Licences for riders are issued only when the minimum age has been attained as below:
• Moto3: 16 years
• Moto2: 16 years
• MotoGP: 18 years
The limit for the minimum age starts on the date of the rider’s birthday.
In the Moto3 class, an exemption applies to the winner of the FIM Junior Moto3 Championship to compete in the Moto3 class of the FIM World Championship Grand Prix in the following season, even if the rider has not reached the minimum age for the class.

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