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たとえどんなに貧困でも嘘はやめません FANTA 43

318 :最低人類0号 :2022/01/02(日) 11:36:24.59 ID:AjTCThMra.net
According to social conventions and common sense, it's not a crime substantially.
Strictly speaking, it means I broke the law but, according to that, I am not guilty. I declare this; I am innocent completely.
Assuming that you are in Hokkaido alone, in the field of nothing but a grasses and rocks, without no one, and you take a pee there, and then, unfortunately a police man find you and watch it, what would you think what will happen?
You never come to think of it like this, he is saying and shouting this,

“Hey, young man! What are you doing!? You! Yes, you!! Don't move. Freeze!
You broke the law. You're under arrest red-handed! Take your arms up! Don't move,man, oh, good boy, dirty old man! ”


「そこの男!何をしているっ!(゚Д゚ )

「あーはいはい。そこのお兄さんね。一応立ち小便は禁止されてるからやめてね。はいはいもう以後やんないようにね」でおしまいw( ^∀^)

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