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【VeraCrypt】暗号化仮想ドライブ作成ソフト Part25

252 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2022/02/21(月) 13:58:24.41 ID:O4pRBGQd0.net
1.25.9 (February 19th, 2022):

All OSes:
Update translations (Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Turkish).
Make MSI installer compatible with system encryption.
Set minimum support for MSI installation to Windows 7.
Fix failure to create Traveler Disk when VeraCrypt is installed using MSI.
Don't cache the outer volume password when mounting with hidden volume protection if wrong hidden volume password was specified.
Reduce the size of EXE installers by almost 50% by using LZMA compression instead of DEFLATE.
Fix double-clicking mounted drive in VeraCrypt UI not working in some special Windows configurations.
Add registry key to fix BSOD during shutdown/reboot on some machines when using system encryption.
Under "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\veracrypt", create a REG_DWORD value named "VeraCryptEraseKeysShutdown".
Setting this registry value to 0 disables erasing system encryption keys which is the cause of BSOD during shutdown on some machines.
Fix hidden volume settings not correctly displayed when enabling hidden volume protection in mount options window.
Fix generic Linux installer overwriting /usr/sbin if it is a symlink.
Fix crash when building with _GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS defined.
Enable building from source without AES-NI support.
Fix hidden volume settings not correctly displayed when enabling hidden volume protection in mount options window.

総レス数 1001
251 KB

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