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Tor (トーア) - The Onion Router 23

1 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2016/06/04(土) 19:42:12.45 ID:CvXsr3hQ0.net
■TorProject 公式サイト
■The Tor Blog
■Tor Network Status

http://www.whitehackerz.jp/blog/?p=842 等

http://xiwayy2kn32bo3ko .onion/

Tor (トーア) - The Onion Router 22
http://potato.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/software/1456206318/ 👀
Rock54: Caution(BBR-MD5:f2c519fe5384e767e1c9e99abdcfc293)

471 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2016/09/26(月) 22:48:54.05 ID:uhr21yvw0.net

472 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2016/09/27(火) 16:13:44.12 ID:/laK6s+70.net
【エフェドリン】ブロン総合★32【コデイン】 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net


473 : [Φ|(|´|Д|`|)|🌀] BBxed!! ◆Akina/PPII :2016/09/28(水) 06:00:24.27 ID:uzIhli6l0?2BP(1000)

,ll'''ll,,,   ,ll'''l,,,       ,,l'''''ll ,,,ll''''''ll,,  ,,ll'''''''ll,,
 'l,,,'''l,,,  '''l,,,'''ll,,,   ,ll''  ll l' ,llll, ll,,ll' l''l, ll,
  '''l,,,'''ll,,  '''l,,, ''l,, ,l'' ll ll l 'll,,ll 'll l,, '''''' ,l'
  ,,ll''',,,ll''  ,,,l''' ,,l'll'' ''''  ''lllll,,,,,,,,,, ll,ll' ,l'l,, ll,
 ll''',,,l'''  ,,,l''' ,,l''' ''''''''''ll ,ll''ll, 'lll'' ll l, 'l,,ll' ,l'
'll,,,l'''    ll,,,l'''       ll,,,,ll '''ll,,,,,,ll''' '''ll,,,,,,,ll'''
   ,,,,,,,         ,,,,,,,,  ,,,,,,,,           ,,,,,,,,,,,,   ,,,,,,,       ,,,,,,,,  ,,,,,,,,,,,
 ,,,,,ll ll,,,,,,,,,,,,  ,,,,,,,lll 'll,,ll' ,lll,,,,,,,,   ll''''ll ll'''l   ll   l ll   ,,,,,,,ll ll,,,,,ll l l ll'''''''''''''''''ll
 l,,,,,, ,,,,,,,ll, 'll,,ll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ll   ll ll' ''l, 'lll''''ll''''''''' ''''''''''ll l,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,ll'''''''' ''''llll''' ,,,l''
  ,lll '''''''lllll,,,,ll' ll ,,,,,, llll llll ll   ll' l'  'll, l, ''''''''ll ll'''ll ll  l' llll'''''''''''''ll ,,,l''   ''''''''l,,
 ,l'''  ,ll''''ll,,, 'll, lll ,,,,, llll llll ll   ,ll' ll   ll, ll,   ,ll' ll ll ll ,ll' llllllll'''''''''''' ll'' ,,,l''''''''''l, ll
 ' lll l  ,,ll' l' ll ,,,,,, llll llll ll ,,l'' ll'    'll ll, ,,,l'' ,ll' ,,ll ll l'' l'll' ll     ''''''''   ,,,,l'' ll
 l, ''' llll''''' ,,,ll'  ll lll''' ll''''ll''' ll ll,, ,ll'     lll,,,lllll, ,,,l''lll''''' ,,,ll ''ll,l'' ll,,, ''''''''''''ll   ll''''''' ,,,,,l''
 '''''''''' '''''''''   'llllll''''''''''  ''''''''''   ''''         '''''  '''''''''''       '''''''''''''''''   ''''''''''

474 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2016/09/28(水) 23:45:04.81 ID:We+6MtAb0.net
【名無しさんも】ブロンを楽しむ17【コテさんも】 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net


475 : [Φ|(|´|Д|`|)|🌀] BBxed!! ◆Akina/PPII :2016/09/29(木) 00:03:26.54 ID:WPOZ4yqp0?2BP(1000)

【おっぱいより】ブロンスレッド Part73【お尻だ】

476 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2016/09/29(木) 00:15:49.35 ID:G1h85giR0.net

477 : [Φ|(|´|Д|`|)|🌀] BBxed!! ◆Akina/PPII :2016/09/29(木) 00:47:35.66 ID:WPOZ4yqp0?2BP(1000)


478 : [Φ|(|´|Д|`|)|🌀] BBxed!! ◆Akina/PPII :2016/09/29(木) 05:27:50.27 ID:EzWMHytQ0?2BP(1000)

Tor Browser 6.5a3-hardened is released | The Tor Blog https://blog.torproject.org/blog/tor-browser-65a3-hardened-released
Tor is released, with important fixes | The Tor Blog https://blog.torproject.org/blog/tor-0288-released-important-fixes
Tor Browser 6.5a3 is released | The Tor Blog https://blog.torproject.org/blog/tor-browser-65a3-released

479 : [Φ|(|´|Д|`|)|🌀] BBxed!! ◆Akina/PPII :2016/09/29(木) 07:16:44.14 ID:of0APxQ90?2BP(1000)

On September 26th, 2016 Anonymous said:

Wow, thanks for posting the comments. Really appreciated.

It seems likely in view of what we know about NSA/GCHQ intrusions and specific determined targeting of
TP that the bad guys broke in and deleted them. Just one more thing to insert somewhere into the ever growing prioritized list of things
TP needs to try to fix when you can find the time.

We'll see how long comments critical of USG TLAs stay visible...


On September 27th, 2016 Anonymous said:

Well, I thought it likely the comments would come back as I don't buy this "it was the NSA what done it" or "TP is compromised" stuff. See my post at:


I mean, if you think it through, such 'sabotage' is too obvious and easily overcome. Many posts were archived by archive.org, for example.

Most of my other comments have returned and made it though since. I know several have not made it past moderation, but I think it's
all more likely because moderating the comments is a real drag. I've noticed the older the blog I'm commenting on the less likely
my post makes it through, so maybe someone doesn't check for comments on old blogs.


480 : [Φ|(|´|Д|`|)|🌀] BBxed!! ◆Akina/PPII :2016/09/29(木) 07:20:38.38 ID:pwWUGnm/0?2BP(1000)

On September 26th, 2016 Anonymous said:

“We’re in the midst right now of one of the biggest battles in the privacy world that we have faced,” said Rep Farenthold.
“Because of the horrendous terrorist attacks we’ve witnessed, there’s a willingness to give up some of our
freedoms and privacy in order to feel safe. That’s completely understandable, but if we keep down this path, we’re going to wake up in a few
years in George Orwell’s ‘1984.’ This is why, as we fight for security, the intrusion on privacy necessary to fight the war on terror needs to be
narrowly tailored and aggressively overseen.”



On September 27th, 2016 Anonymous said:

Plus one. I hope TP will seek to engage the bipartisan privacy caucus in the US Congress.

We actually have some real opportunities to win some points, I think.
By no means is it true that FBI is invincible--- Comey has gotten everything he demands (save backdoors
so far, but it appears the second half of his term will completely reverse the odds. In the first half of his term, Comey has been the Second Coming of J.
Edgar Hoover, but in the second half, he is likely to look much more like the Second Coming of Louis Freeh. 

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