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Samsung Galaxy Fold総合スレ 4折目

820 :SIM無しさん (ワッチョイ 7373-32x/ []):2020/05/13(水) 11:32:02 ID:/OhQHFES0.net
Galaxy Fold Liteの噂
I have some info on the Galaxy Fold Lite.

-Galaxy Fold Lite 4G
-256GB storage
-Mirror Black, Mirror Purple
-Display has no UTG
-Will be equipped with a mix of 2018/19/20 parts
-outside will probably have a smaller display (not like on Fold, but more like the Z Flip)

-Available internationally
-No 5G support
-Snapdragon 865
-Built out of Aluminium and Glass on outside

This could change as this info tends to change quickly, especially when it's the first you're hearing about a device.
(deleted an unsolicited ad)

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