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【考古学】カフカス最古の文字発見、ジョージア古代神殿で 石版に刻まれた謎の文字が、カフカスの歴史認識を変える

61 :名無しのひみつ@\(^o^)/:2015/09/25(金) 03:42:46.45 ID:PefaX2yr.net
Archaeologists have long known that【literate civilizations】 were present
there as long ago as the fourth millennium B.C.
?excavations throughout Georgia have unearthed coins, beads, and pottery from Assyria, Greece, and Persia.

Until now, though,
no trace of 【Iberian literacy 】from as long ago as the Iron Age,
which in the Caucasus lasted from about the late second millennium B.C. to the fifth century B.C.,
has been found.
(The earliest known Georgian and Armenian scripts date from the fifth century A.D.,
shortly after these cultures converted to Christianity.)

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