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【感染症】エボラ出血熱の死者350人に「制御不能」 西アフリカ

961 :名無しのひみつ@\(^o^)/:2014/07/28(月) 08:25:46.18 ID:Sftac+Bs.net
Ebola outbreak: Is it time to test experimental vaccines?
エボラ・アウトブレイク 実験段階のワクチンを試すべきときか?

But there are no licensed drugs or vaccines for use against Ebola as its periodic, remote and
usually small-scale nature means there has not been a big enough market,
nor the ability to conduct large-scale trials in humans exposed to the disease.

Despite these challenges, there are vaccines being developed by a range of organizations,
including the vaccine research center at the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) --
and some argue that an outbreak is the perfect time to trial them.

"It would be unethical not to acknowledge that potential new treatments could both save lives
and reduce transmission in this and future outbreaks," says Dr Jeremy Farrar,
director of global charitable foundation the Wellcome Trust.

"Any new intervention must have preclinical safety and efficacy data and Phase I safety data in healthy volunteers,"
he says describing the slow progression of phases involved in pharmaceutical development,
"But ultimately there can be no Phase II (vaccine efficacy) data in Ebola other than that acquired during an epidemic."

"Healthcare workers are at the greatest risk and are hubs of infection who are likely to spread it to others," he says.
"The risk of dying from the vaccine is tiny compared to dying from Ebola and unlike communities,
healthcare workers would understand the risks better and should be able to give informed consent."

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