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【PSO2】Xbox Elite ワイヤレス コントローラー 5個目

491 :774メセタ:2022/03/17(木) 00:55:20.63 ID:5thRd33U.net
29. After the firmware update my Xbox Elite 2 controller paddles are not working

Xbox Elite 2 is going to receive a major update soon, and many users who participate in the Xbox Insider program have already got it. The new firmware version is 5.11.XXXX.

At the moment, the current release of reWASD (5.8.1) doesn't support this firmware. We are working on the update, and are going to release the new version after everything is tested from our side.

Still, we need to warn you that after the update, even with our fixes that are yet to be released, Xbox Elite 2 controller connected via Bluetooth is reported as Xbox One, and so reWASD could not detect its paddles. We hope that the next iteration of the firmware will fix this issue, but until it is not confirmed, we do not recommend updating your Xbox Elite 2.

The same firmware update is also coming to Xbox One S and Xbox One Series X, and we do not recommend updating the firmware just yet.

If this usecase finds you too late, and you have already updated the firmware on Xbox Elite 2, check how to downgrade the firmware update on console or on PC.

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