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【US】Twitter Users Blame Pikachu For Vandalism At Nebraska GOP Office

1 :全権大佐@スタス ★:2018/07/11(水) 16:24:05.39 ID:CAP_USER.net
Twitter Users Blame Pikachu For Vandalism At Nebraska GOP Office


“Abolish ICE” was spray-painted on the sidewalk but a broken window left a likeness resembling the cartoon character.
By Carla Baranauckas
07/05/2018 08:33 AM ET
Updated 5 days ago

After the Nebraska Republican Party headquarters in Lincoln, Nebraska, was vandalized on Tuesday, Twitter users were eager to inform on the No. 1 suspect: Pikachu.

The window of the GOP office was broken with bricks, The Associated Press reported, while “Abolish ICE” was also spray-painted on the sidewalk in front of the headquarters. But a number of social media users noticed that the broken glass left a silhouette that resembled the Pokemon character.


2 :なまえないよぉ〜:2018/07/11(水) 16:30:53.81 ID:Pgb5UrR4.net
oh my god…

3 :なまえないよぉ〜:2018/07/11(水) 16:36:01.25 ID:elQrBTzu.net

4 :なまえないよぉ〜:2018/07/11(水) 16:42:51.76 ID:OtMqb+BT.net

5 :なまえないよぉ〜:2018/07/11(水) 17:35:46.73 ID:og4xdLHl.net

6 :なまえないよぉ〜:2018/07/11(水) 18:34:23.66 ID:+PlkIesq.net

7 :なまえないよぉ〜:2018/07/14(土) 12:07:42.37 ID:uR/IXN8U.net
Many stupid 5ch people can't read a foreign language so stop it!

8 :なまえないよぉ〜:2018/07/29(日) 07:50:36.75 ID:FSzyl5M+.net
        \:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::/ /:::::::::
         , '\::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::/ /:::::::::::::::  歌舞伎町の女王、神楽様が>>8getアル!
      /   \:::::::::::::::::::::::::::/ /:::::::::::::::::::::
    ./´      \:::::::::::::::/ /:::::::::::::::::::::::::::        
  , ' , '  l  i    \::/ /::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  ,', '/, '  l  l  i  i / ><:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
 ,'' i,'  , l  ハ l、 < /lヽ l\:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::     >>1乙ぅるるるる
   / ,i i ,l   l l ト、 l l l 入l'ヽ\::::::::::::::::::::::::::::      >>2私メガネ男嫌いなんだよね
   i/ i、i l i i、 li´f,,ヽl l l´,ィ' r ォ、i l\::::::::::::::::::::::      >>3マジキモいアル
   '   ヽlヽi l、l 、_ソ ` ヽ ヽ''ノ!l/ /l`, 、:::::::::::::        >>4よこせよグラサン
         l il   ,       ̄ / / l'´,<ノ`ヽ、:           >>5変わるため戦うアル
       l il、  `        / /il l', ‐',ニ' 、           >>6あわわ!カレーがこぼれちゃうヨ!
         l l ヽ  ヽニ=‐ / / , l /', ' ´   , '、           >7無職のマダオが!
         ヽl  ヽ " / /、´, l/´  , '               >9もう大人なの!
         ヽ     `フ / _ィ' '´  '                 >10い、いらないネ!そんなチャラついた傘…
                 / / '´ __
            /, ', ' ´   `ヽ
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        , -‐,ク 、 _/l       ヽ     ヽ  ,'         
     ,イ  \/`l  !、       ヽ   l , '              >11-1001は酢昆布>1年分上納するヨロシ❤

9 :なまえないよぉ〜:2018/09/28(金) 07:57:39.34 ID:8lG/aa8D.net

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