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【YMTC】中華製/中国製SSD総合 7【MAXIO】

781 :763 :2024/03/12(火) 07:22:10.06 ID:OqKE4YvWd.net
一応、この文面でビデオを3本(書き込みが止まる様子、エラー画面になる様子、NAND調査実行の様子 それぞれSSDからPCにつなげてるところから撮影)付けた。

I ran H2testw again to confirm capacity falsification. Watch the video. As it approaches 500GB, the write capacity decreases and eventually becomes impossible to write to. Then an error will appear. This SSD is a 2TB product, but it cannot write 500GB. Check out another video. This is a tool to check NAND of SSD. This SSD only has a 512GB capacity chip. For these reasons, this is a capacity-disguised SSD. I would like a refund or a refund. This item is eligible for free returns.

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