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ナイスな品質の良い電源 Part82

859 :Socket774 (アウアウウー Sa1d-IsGS):2022/05/15(日) 07:20:15 ID:kbXd0dpua.net
Luke Savenije (LTTフォーラムでPSU Tier List等をまとめてる人):
The only potential issue I have about the unit, which I’m unable to test is how it handles Ampere. Recently I’ve talked with Jon Gerow (aka Jonnyguru) around an issue on the PCIe’s 12v sense on various Seasonic and Andyson units.
This has mainly affected Seasonic’s “Prime” based units. Below two quotes from him:

>I have a probe on the +12V, +12V sense and PG. Over a period of time, the attenuation on the +12V sense increases and increases. There is no change to the +12V voltage (nothing that matters). Eventually, the PSU just shuts off. And the load is NO WHERE NEAR the capability of the +12V rail including looking for the transient spikes.
>An increasing high frequency oscillation is introduced back to the PSU from the PCIe slot when using Ampere cards and that causes the supervisor IC to freak out. Removing the +12V sense or just putting a ferrite bead on the +12V sense prevents the PSU from shutting down.

Simply put, the unit senses a higher voltage than it’s running and triggers a protection, fully shutting down the unit. This isn’t something solved with a higher capacity, as I’ve personally seen 1000w, 1200w and even 1300w units trigger because of this. A solution to this would be removing the sense wire in the connector, but this isn’t something we can recommend an end user.
It’s currently unknown if Seasonic has fixed this issue.

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