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165 :水先案名無い人:2013/11/08(金) 04:06:10.46 ID:rypjvDEV0.net
dog : Go ahead?Are we going ahead!?Hey,look!Signals!Are we?
owner : Yes,we are.
dog : Realy!?Is it allright?Isn't it red?
owner : Yes.It is blue,so,we are allright.
dog : I see,I'm a dog,Also I can't recognize the color.
owner : Yeah,I know.
dog : That's right,we can go!Because you say blue!
owner : Yes,we can.
dog : Nice,shall we go!Go this way.
owner : Yes,let's go.
dog : Ah! We can go,because signal is blue(it means go)!Dear master?
owner : Yes,you should look forward.
dog : Ahh,we,master and I ,going across the road! Might be careful...!


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