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■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています


1 :名無しさん必死だな:2024/04/17(水) 05:11:03.69 ID:Y4hZCyPWd.net
336 どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.111][木] 2024/04/17(水) 04:29:52.27 ID:CAP_USER
Im sorry.
This is a new system; we are trying to use Donguri to stop vandalism on 5chan.
I accidentally made a bug where it was difficult to create a new post, but it should be fixed now.

Please try now and let me know if it is still broken or not.

9 :名無しさん必死だな:2024/04/17(水) 07:03:51.07 ID:tKpDjmok0.net

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