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7 :名無しさん必死だな@\(^o^)/:2017/09/07(木) 00:39:07.95 ID:EuUGbCWd0.net
AT: I realize this is the question to ask everyone nowadays but is there a chance of bringing Ys VIII or any other Ys games to the Nintendo Switch?

TK: First off, the Nintendo Switch is definitely a very Nintendo-like platform. And I mean that in a good way! As a gamer myself, I look forward to getting a Switch.
I really enjoy what it is for what it is. But as a company, Falcom doesn’t have many development lines. Unfortunately, we’re not really in the place to say, Well, we’ll try every console at once.
So it remains to be seen in the future what we’ll do, but for example, if one of the partners we work with really wants to try it, it’s definitely something to keep as an open possibility going forward.

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