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990 :名無しさん必死だな@\(^o^)/:2017/06/29(木) 06:08:16.36 ID:gFAdP6Zna.net

VG247: Let’s start with the obvious. Is this Monster Hunter 5?

Ryozo Tsujimoto: Yeah. It’s the next title in the main series. This is not a spin-off.

“This is the main, next entry in the series. It’s not a side entry or a spin-off… the title just doesn’t have a number in it.”

I imagine you’ve had to explain that a lot.

Tsujimoto: Yeah, we’ve been asked quite a bit about it.
I think when you get a series that runs for quite a few years… the numbers start to get bigger and bigger, and it starts to become increasingly off-putting for somebody who isn’t into the series already.
They might think “am I going to try Monster Hunter 5 when I haven’t played the first 4? What if I don’t get it?” and so on.
We wanted to take the next main-line title and name it in a way that is indicative of the key concept of the game.


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