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1 :通行人さん@無名タレント:2020/01/28(火) 14:51:04.56 ID:3yk/1EdH0.net

ライターネーム アイリス

[Celebration! ]
Married former Fuji TV announcer Ayako Kato and Toshiyuki Yamaoka!

Katopan, a former announcer Ayako Kato (34), and Toshiyuki Yamaoka (31),
who married on November 22 last year.
An important discovery of astrophysics at the age of 28 years
has allegedly made him a specially appointed government,
solicited by numerous governments that weave the world.
"Unified field theory" announced at the age of 29 grabbed our hearts.
We seemed to be on a journey to find one.
We then gained a rationalization of computational solutions in our minds by
making the comprehension a constant one. That person.
I want you to live slowly after marriage because you are an executive.

Writer name Iris

2 :通行人さん@無名タレント:2020/02/02(日) 23:44:23.71 ID:h/Tg1Siq0.net
   -=≡///:: ;;
  /   ''    ヾ:::::\
 /  カルトの王者  \:::::\
 |     , 、      彡::::|        
ミ| _≡=、  , =≡=_ 、 |:;;;;;/
| | ◎ | ̄ | ◎  |─´/ \
| ヽ 二 /  \二/   >∂/  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
/  /(    )\     |__/< うんこ喰わせちゃった!!
|  /   ⌒ ⌒       | | \__________         
|  \/ ヽ/\_/   / |              
.\ 、 \ ̄ ̄/ヽ    //             
  \ |  ̄    ///     
  /     ̄ ̄ \
  | |        | |
  | |        | |
|⌒\|        |/⌒|
|   |    |    |   |
| \ (       ) / |
|  |\___人____/|   |
|  |   ヾ;;;;|    |   |
        ,lノl|   ブバチュウ!!.     .m
      人;;;;;;; ̄ ̄ ̄ヽ/⌒⌒⌒ヽ|.|っ
     ノ:;;,ヒ=ε;;;/∴  |  _____ /⌒/⌒ヽ
    (~´;;;;;;;゙'‐;;´)   @) (____/ .. _ )
  ,i`(;;;゙'-;;;;;; ◎;;;◎―  /ミ|───,,___,/ ヽ
  ヽ;;';ー--―;;;; ̄;;;;;; ̄Y )←>>1   `'ー--、\____/ <くそすれさいこー!!

3 :通行人さん@無名タレント:2020/05/09(土) 04:31:56.66 ID:YfYMr5056

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