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芸能人の身長を推察するスレ part114

890 :通行人さん@無名タレント:2017/01/25(水) 18:23:17.67 ID:0XWDQT+0O.net

There is some crazy exaggeration. I am 6-1 to 6-2 barefoot, depending on time of day.
I saw John Wall once in person. I was just wearing like a 1.5 inch adding hiking boot.

So at most, I could have been 6-2.5 to 6-3.5 in shoes at the time.

Now, John Wall is listed at 6-4 in shoes by the NBA and draftexpress has him at 6-2.75 barefoot, and claims this is an official barefoot measurement from the NBA draft combine.

This proves to me the NBA is really full of it, and so is draftexpress if they actually believe these claims.

Because I saw Wall in person, and he looked no more than 6-1 or maybe at max, 6-2 to me.
But really, he looked 6-1. I mean, he had to be at least an inch shorter than me, at least.

He seemed 6-1 in person, but he's supposedly 6-4 in shoes, and "officially measured" at almost 6-3 barefoot by the NBA.

They are obviously totally full of it with their listings.


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