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【EV】米テスラ、1〜3月期は過去最大の赤字 「モデル3」の投資かさむ

152 :名刺は切らしておりまして:2018/05/03(木) 12:03:53.62 ID:oRc49a7q.net
Model Sは20%


Chris Harget, Tesla fanboy and high tech marketing executive who analyzes business models
Answered Mar 18, 2017
Too soon to say. Tesla maintains they’ve had 20% gross margins on the Model S for several years now.

They seem to be optimizing the mass production process pretty well, and working hard to push down
the cost of materials in the Model 3, but they will have to allocate part of the cost of each Model 3 to
recouping R&D, paying down the Gigafactories, and such…so, it’s hard to really say. Assuming sales
are steady, it should eventually be in the 15–20% range.

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