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【飲料】コカ・コーラから初の桃フレーバー 「コカ・コーラ ピーチ」登場(画像あり)

1 :ニライカナイφ ★:2018/01/15(月) 18:57:25.50 ID:CAP_USER.net
◆コカ・コーラから初の桃フレーバー 「コカ・コーラ ピーチ」登場 〜パッケージのラベルもピンクに〜

コカ・コーラシステムは桃のフレーバーの「コカ・コーラ ピーチ」を1月22日から期間限定で販売します。


69 :名刺は切らしておりまして:2018/01/16(火) 23:22:23.66 ID:EA5SY8jk.net
One day Rokumichi Kusaba ups and walks out, never to return, later to be discovered dead.
That’s your story.
We’ll provide you with a new ID and a new face. With that out of the way.
Read this through and sign here…
Roku: Hold on a minute. You said it’s going to be all right!! No way!
I’ll never get to see my family and my friends.
Do you really want to? I mean, look at you. It’s time for a reality check.
Once they find out that you’re alive, you’ll put everyone you know in danger.
Plus do you think you can live as a normal high school student looking like that?
But… There must be a way to make everything all right again.
I’m afraid, ●no[t] [At least]● For now.
First of all, a lot of things about demon cells remain shrouded in mystery.
Think about the time and effort it takes. We don’t have the resources!
Roku: But the Zero Department is my best bet, right?!
I’ll wait until you find the solution! No matter how long it takes.
Even if it takes months. Years…
…the rest of your life?
You’re going to depend on us?
Come on. Really?
Our goal is to dismantle the Sai.
Not to ●take care of● you.
Why don’t you enjoy a quiet life? Not a care in the world. Nobody but a visiting officer to bother you.
That way you can keep that body of yours hidden…
I have to get back!
I need them in my life…
That’s your problem, not ours.
Keep wailing. See if we care. If I were you, I’d try to figure out how to make us listen.
Because that, my friend…is not going to work.
Well, you were granted another shot at life after what happened to your body.
Quit worrying over little things.
The past is like a bad dream. Forget it. Move on.
Roku: I might be…●A distortion or an amalgam]●,
but…I want to live as Rokumichi Kusaba!!
Interesting. A fusion of demon cells and a human.
And? Now what?
You want to bow out and I’m the only thing…standing between you and the door.
The question is…
Do you have it in you ●To kill me?●
He’s fast. I’ve seen many short-lived failures but…
This one is something else…He could be… ●superior to a normal Ayakashi.●
What’s wrong? You’re an inch away…from freedom. It’s now or never.
Tomorrow I’ll arrange for your new face and
I may be a monster…But I’m not a ●murderer.●
You were right. The boy’s overly sentimental.
Get your hands off the sword. Eishu.
It’s my job to end him…the moment he goes off.
No, he’s not going to turn. He’s in complete control of his power.
He willed himself…to keep it in check.
And that ●削除 a● counts for something.
I have a proposition for you. Are you interested in working with us?

70 :名刺は切らしておりまして:2018/01/17(水) 00:00:43.68 ID:itdyv6fD.net

One day Rokumichi Kusaba ups and walks out, never to return, later to be discovered dead.
That’s your story.
We’ll provide you with a new ID and a new face. With that out of the way.
Read this through and sign here…
Roku: Hold on a minute. You said it’s going to be all right!! No way!
I’ll never get to see my family and my friends.
Do you really want to? I mean, look at you. It’s time for a reality check.
Once they find out that you’re alive, you’ll put everyone you know in danger.
Plus do you think you can live as a normal high school student looking like that?
But… There must be a way to make everything all right again.
I’m afraid, ●no[t] [At least]● For now.
First of all, a lot of things about demon cells remain shrouded in mystery.
Think about the time and effort it takes. We don’t have the resources!
Roku: But the Zero Department is my best bet, right?!
I’ll wait until you find the solution! No matter how long it takes.
Even if it takes months. Years…
…the rest of your life?
You’re going to depend on us?
Come on. Really?
Our goal is to dismantle the Sai.
Not to ●take care of● you.
Why don’t you enjoy a quiet life? Not a care in the world. Nobody but a visiting officer to bother you.
That way you can keep that body of yours hidden…
I have to get back!
I need them in my life…
That’s your problem, not ours.
Keep wailing. See if we care. If I were you, I’d try to figure out how to make us listen.
Because that, my friend…is not going to work.
Well, you were granted another shot at life after what happened to your body.
Quit worrying over little things.
The past is like a bad dream. Forget it. Move on.
Roku: I might be…●A distortion or an amalgam]●,
but…I want to live as Rokumichi Kusaba!!
Interesting. A fusion of demon cells and a human.
And? Now what?
You want to bow out and I’m the only thing…standing between you and the door.
The question is…
Do you have it in you ●To kill me?●
He’s fast. I’ve seen many short-lived failures but…
This one is something else…He could be… ●superior to a normal Ayakashi.●
What’s wrong? You’re an inch away…from freedom. It’s now or never.
Tomorrow I’ll arrange for your new face and
I may be a monster…But I’m not a ●murderer.●
You were right. The boy’s overly sentimental.
Get your hands off the sword. Eishu.
It’s my job to end him…the moment he goes off.
No, he’s not going to turn. He’s in complete control of his power.
He willed himself…to keep it in check.
And that ●削除 a● counts for something.
I have a proposition for you. Are you interested in working with us?

71 :名刺は切らしておりまして:2018/01/17(水) 00:17:30.77 ID:itdyv6fD.net

One day Rokumichi Kusaba ups and walks out, never to return, later to be discovered dead.
That’s your story.
We’ll provide you with a new ID and a new face. With that out of the way.
Read this through and sign here…
Roku: Hold on a minute. You said it’s going to be all right!! No way!
I’ll never get to see my family and my friends.
Do you really want to? I mean, look at you. It’s time for a reality check.
Once they find out that you’re alive, you’ll put everyone you know in danger.
Plus do you think you can live as a normal high school student looking like that?
But… There must be a way to make everything all right again.
I’m afraid, ●no[t] [At least]● For now.
First of all, a lot of things about demon cells remain shrouded in mystery.
Think about the time and effort it takes. We don’t have the resources!
Roku: But the Zero Department is my best bet, right?!
I’ll wait until you find the solution! No matter how long it takes.
Even if it takes months. Years…
…the rest of your life?
You’re going to depend on us?
Come on. Really?
Our goal is to dismantle the Sai.
Not to ●take care of● you.
Why don’t you enjoy a quiet life? Not a care in the world. Nobody but a visiting officer to bother you.
That way you can keep that body of yours hidden…
I have to get back!
I need them in my life…
That’s your problem, not ours.
Keep wailing. See if we care. If I were you, I’d try to figure out how to make us listen.
Because that, my friend…is not going to work.
Well, you were granted another shot at life after what happened to your body.
Quit worrying over little things.
The past is like a bad dream. Forget it. Move on.
Roku: I might be…●A distortion or an amalgam]●,
but…I want to live as Rokumichi Kusaba!!
Interesting. A fusion of demon cells and a human.
And? Now what?
You want to bow out and I’m the only thing…standing between you and the door.
The question is…
Do you have it in you ●To kill me?●
He’s fast. I’ve seen many short-lived failures but…
This one is something else…He could be… ●superior to a normal Ayakashi.●
What’s wrong? You’re an inch away…from freedom. It’s now or never.
Tomorrow I’ll arrange for your new face and
I may be a monster…But I’m not a ●murderer.●
You were right. The boy’s overly sentimental.
Get your hands off the sword. Eishu.
It’s my job to end him…the moment he goes off.
No, he’s not going to turn. He’s in complete control of his power.
He willed himself…to keep it in check.
And that ●削除 a● counts for something.
I have a proposition for you. Are you interested in working with us?

72 :名刺は切らしておりまして:2018/01/22(月) 11:13:22.28 ID:VWpDd5AV.net

73 :名刺は切らしておりまして:2018/01/25(木) 16:43:41.93 ID:hVBimymv.net

So how was it?
It was an easy exorcism. It wasn’t that much of an evil spirit anyway.
What’s wrong with her?
Well…the customer asked her out but then got scared and ran away…
You’re talking way too much, Kuryu!

How did it go? It was a quick job. Nothing we can’t handle.
…I’m almost afraid to ask…
You guessed ●it●. Our client askes her out and she scares him away. Story of her life.
You have a big mouth, Kuryu!

74 :名刺は切らしておりまして:2018/01/25(木) 16:44:20.00 ID:hVBimymv.net

So how was it?
It was an easy exorcism. It wasn’t that much of an evil spirit anyway.
What’s wrong with her?
Well…the customer asked her out but then got scared and ran away…
You’re talking way too much, Kuryu!

How did it go?
It was a quick job. Nothing we can’t handle.
…I’m almost afraid to ask…
You guessed ●it●. Our client askes her out and she scares him away. Story of her life.
You have a big mouth, Kuryu!

75 :名刺は切らしておりまして:2018/01/25(木) 16:47:40.77 ID:hVBimymv.net
It was an easy exorcism. It wasn’t that much of an evil spirit anyway.

It was a quick job. Nothing we can’t handle.


76 :名刺は切らしておりまして:2018/01/25(木) 16:49:26.58 ID:hVBimymv.net

It was an easy exorcism. It wasn’t that much of an evil spirit anyway.

It was a quick job. Nothing we can’t handle.


77 :名刺は切らしておりまして:2018/01/25(木) 17:04:46.21 ID:hVBimymv.net

What’s wrong with her?
Well…the customer asked her out but then got scared and ran away…

I’m almost afraid to ask…
You guessed ●it●. Our client askes her out and she scares him away. Story of her life.

78 :名刺は切らしておりまして:2018/01/25(木) 17:09:23.67 ID:BAumgzAh.net

79 :名刺は切らしておりまして:2018/01/25(木) 17:40:04.26 ID:hVBimymv.net

あの 失礼ですけどそちらの男性は彼しか何かですか

Not to sound rude but, is this man…your boyfriend or something?
He’s just a good-for-nothing colleague.
Hey, that “good-for-nothing” line was unnecessary.
Great! Then would you like to go out with me for dinner?
Please tell me your name!

If you don’t mind me asking…Is that your boyfriend?
Nope. [noから変更]
Just a useless colleague of mine.
Thanks for that!
Great! ●then● Would you like to have dinner with me sometime?

80 :名刺は切らしておりまして:2018/01/25(木) 19:59:04.84 ID:Cesz3kQx.net

81 :名刺は切らしておりまして:2018/01/25(木) 19:59:09.86 ID:+ch5fUsf.net

82 :名刺は切らしておりまして:2018/01/25(木) 23:21:50.80 ID:cw/wLtb4.net
何かの香りに似てると思ったらトイレの芳香剤しゃねーか... >ピーチ味

83 :名刺は切らしておりまして:2018/01/26(金) 05:14:35.21 ID:3H5nYiwD.net

So how was it?
It was an easy exorcism. It wasn’t that much of an evil spirit anyway.
What’s wrong with her?
Well…the customer asked her out but then got scared and ran away…
You’re talking way too much, Kuryu!

How did it go? It was a quick job. Nothing we can’t handle.
…I’m almost afraid to ask…
You guessed ●it●. Our client askes her out and she scares him away. Story of her life.
You have a big mouth, Kuryu!

84 :名刺は切らしておりまして:2018/01/26(金) 05:18:06.74 ID:XdnutzLJ.net

85 :名刺は切らしておりまして:2018/01/26(金) 05:30:50.06 ID:3H5nYiwD.net

It was an easy exorcism. It wasn’t that much of an evil spirit anyway.

It was a quick job. Nothing we can’t handle.


86 :名刺は切らしておりまして:2018/01/26(金) 05:31:32.74 ID:3H5nYiwD.net

What’s wrong with her?
Well…the customer asked her out but then got scared and ran away…

I’m almost afraid to ask…
You guessed ●it●. Our client askes her out and she scares him away. Story of her life.

87 :名刺は切らしておりまして:2018/01/26(金) 06:03:14.20 ID:+OhsCh58.net

88 :名刺は切らしておりまして:2018/01/26(金) 06:11:03.93 ID:3H5nYiwD.net
153単語 訂正4単語( nope, inなど) 96点

If you don’t mind me asking…Is that your boyfriend?
Just a useless colleague of mine.
Thanks for that!
Great! [then] Would you like to have dinner with me sometime?
What’s your name?
[get your hands off ->● let go of me●
Are you jealous of his wealth? Is that why you haunt this house?
Then leave!
I will, I will!
Oh, and to answer your question. My name is…Rasetsu Hyuga.
How did it go?
It was a quick job. Nothing we can’t handle.
…I’m almost afraid to ask…
You guessed ●it●. Our client asks her out…and she scares him away. Story of her life.
You have a big mouth. Kuryu!
Okay, what’s next, Aoi?
Thatis it for today.
We’ll check ●in● with chief and then call it quits.
Good. I’m exhausted. It’s been crazy lately. Do you know how many houses we went to today?

89 :名刺は切らしておりまして:2018/01/26(金) 06:27:37.54 ID:v8LzUOO9.net


90 :名刺は切らしておりまして:2018/01/26(金) 06:45:16.04 ID:3H5nYiwD.net

91 :名刺は切らしておりまして:2018/01/27(土) 06:36:26.74 ID:XJWTRwQ6.net
失礼ですけどそちらの男性は その彼しか何かで
If you don’t mind me asking…Is that your boyfriend?
Just a useless colleague of mine.
Thanks for that!
Great! [then] Would you like to have dinner with me sometime?
What’s your name?
あ おかえりなさい ただいま
[get your hands off ->● let go of me●
Are you jealous of his wealth? Is that why you haunt this house?
Now get out!
Then leave!
I will, I will!
Oh, and to answer your question. My name is…Rasetsu Hyuga.
[Oh] You're back. Hiya.
How did it go?
It was a quick job. Nothing we can’t handle.
…I’m almost afraid to ask…
You guessed ●it●. Our client asks her out…and she scares him away. Story of her life.
You have a big mouth. Kuryu!
Okay, what’s next, Aoi?
Thatis it for today.
We’ll check ●in● with chief and then call it quits.
Good. I’m exhausted. It’s been crazy lately. Do you know how many houses we went to today?

92 :名刺は切らしておりまして:2018/01/27(土) 06:37:24.05 ID:XJWTRwQ6.net
失礼ですけどそちらの男性は その彼しか何かで
If you don’t mind me asking…Is that your boyfriend?
●nope● Just a useless colleague of mine.
Thanks for that!
Great! [then] Would you like to have dinner with me sometime?
What’s your name?

あ おかえりなさい ただいま
[get your hands off ->● let go of me●
Are you jealous of his wealth? Is that why you haunt this house?
Now get out!
Then leave!
I will, I will!
Oh, and to answer your question. My name is…Rasetsu Hyuga.
[Oh] You're back. Hiya.

How did it go?
It was a quick job. Nothing we can’t handle.
…I’m almost afraid to ask…
You guessed ●it●. Our client asks her out…and she scares him away. Story of her life.
You have a big mouth. Kuryu!
Okay, what’s next, Aoi?
Thatis it for today.
We’ll check ●in● with chief and then call it quits.
Good. I’m exhausted. It’s been crazy lately. Do you know how many houses we went to today?

93 :名刺は切らしておりまして:2018/01/27(土) 06:39:32.05 ID:XJWTRwQ6.net
失礼ですけどそちらの男性は その彼しか何かで
If you don’t mind me asking…Is that your boyfriend?
●nope● Just a useless colleague of mine.
Thanks for that!
Great! [then] Would you like to have dinner with me sometime?
What’s your name?

あ おかえりなさい ただいま
[get your hands off ->● let go of me●
Are you jealous of his wealth? Is that why you haunt this house?
Now get out!
Then leave!
I will, I will!
Oh, and to answer your question. My name is…Rasetsu Hyuga.
[Oh] You're back. Hiya.

How did it go?
It was a quick job. Nothing we can’t handle.
…I’m almost afraid to ask…
You guessed ●it●. Our client asks her out…and she scares him away. Story of her life.
You have a big mouth. Kuryu!

Okay, what’s next, Aoi?
Thatis it for today.
We’ll check ●in● with chief and then call it quits.
Good. I’m exhausted. It’s been crazy lately. Do you know how many houses we went to today?

94 :名刺は切らしておりまして:2018/01/27(土) 06:40:22.54 ID:XJWTRwQ6.net

95 :名刺は切らしておりまして:2018/01/27(土) 06:42:12.60 ID:He9o6twv.net

96 :名刺は切らしておりまして:2018/01/27(土) 07:02:46.63 ID:AAvlMGOJ.net

97 :名刺は切らしておりまして:2018/01/27(土) 15:37:48.54 ID:x/lyvQoj.net

98 :名刺は切らしておりまして:2018/01/28(日) 20:11:36.34 ID:Buf/E3s8.net

99 :名刺は切らしておりまして:2018/01/28(日) 20:54:48.64 ID:JAuAF7WB.net

100 :名刺は切らしておりまして:2018/01/28(日) 21:00:48.14 ID:tC8bU0zO.net

101 :名刺は切らしておりまして:2018/01/28(日) 21:02:11.35 ID:tC8bU0zO.net

102 :名刺は切らしておりまして:2018/01/28(日) 21:23:49.29 ID:UDGbQ61S.net

103 :名刺は切らしておりまして:2018/01/29(月) 09:29:29.44 ID:MoQM+qY5.net

104 :名刺は切らしておりまして:2018/01/29(月) 17:58:47.61 ID:fZ5RmjrV.net

105 :名刺は切らしておりまして:2018/01/31(水) 21:45:10.97 ID:HvaOQBPk.net
ピーチ まずい

106 :名刺は切らしておりまして:2018/01/31(水) 21:50:28.96 ID:4lDwsz0f.net
うーん まずい!もう一杯!

107 :名刺は切らしておりまして:2018/02/03(土) 16:03:10.15 ID:oLQ3VnjL.net

108 :名刺は切らしておりまして:2018/02/03(土) 20:35:27.78 ID:+nFZgrHK.net

109 :名刺は切らしておりまして:2018/02/06(火) 23:30:47.58 ID:rOu8FjmP.net

110 :名刺は切らしておりまして:2018/02/09(金) 08:43:20.88 ID:s3szc5OY.net

111 :名刺は切らしておりまして:2018/02/09(金) 11:13:25.29 ID:h+MWf8Hb.net
次は桃尻フレーバー「コカ・コーラ ビッチ」で

112 :名刺は切らしておりまして:2018/02/12(月) 13:23:57.18 ID:PSO7UTMA.net
コカコーラ ペプシ味っての出せばいいんじゃね?

113 :名刺は切らしておりまして:2018/02/12(月) 13:32:36.54 ID:doFpXveO.net


114 :名刺は切らしておりまして:2018/02/12(月) 16:21:10.78 ID:SEKoDp1E.net

115 :名刺は切らしておりまして:2018/02/12(月) 17:28:22.33 ID:wqLhWIEB.net



116 :名刺は切らしておりまして:2018/02/12(月) 18:45:11.52 ID:xmAQ2M/1.net

117 :名刺は切らしておりまして:2018/02/12(月) 21:51:16.13 ID:YxnVBbsV.net

118 :名刺は切らしておりまして:2018/02/14(水) 23:30:59.84 ID:wWGupNbP.net

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