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【五輪】東京五輪招致で巨額の裏金疑惑浮上 大手広告代理店が関与

95 :名刺は切らしておりまして:2016/05/12(木) 16:00:33.79 ID:HEJXZGYm.net

Possible wrongdoing in the 2020 race was referred to in a footnote to Pound’s report
that suggested Lamine Diack dropped his support for Istanbul and switched to Tokyo
because a Japanese sponsor signed a deal with the IAAF.

“a footnote to Pound’s report”なんてのも日本じゃ報道されなかったから全然知らなかったぜ

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read.cgi ver 2014.07.20.01.SC 2014/07/20 D ★