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360 :日出づる処の名無し:2022/12/31(土) 16:49:29.07 ID:/Kl1dBHj.net


This interpretation of the scope of Article 7(3) is in accordance with the customary law doctrine of command responsibility. As observed by the Commission of Experts in its Final Report, while “[m]ost legal cases in which the doctrine of command responsibility has been considered have involved military or paramilitary accused, [p]olitical leaders and public officials have also been held liable under this doctrine in certain circumstances”.
Thus, the International Military Tribunal for the Far East (hereafter “Tokyo Tribunal”) relied on this principle in making findings of guilt against a number of civilian political leaders charged with having deliberately and recklessly disregarded their legal duty to take adequate steps to secure the observance of the laws and customs of war and to prevent their breach.

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