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Korean Style 007 Spectre

1 :Shame On Korean Assholes:2018/06/22(金) 18:52:38.55 ID:ZztkQSt2.net
Korean Style 007 Spectre


During the trial of the rape threats against U.S. President Obama's 2nd daughter by a South Korean man, the Korean government attempted to close the case by the death of the suspect in order to avoid diplomatic friction with the United States of America.
So, the Korean government mobilized South Korean Internet trolls, who were suspected to be employed at the South Korean Cyber Command, to very badly harass the suspect mentally, forcing him to commit suicide by a nonsensical means.
See the level of comments from South Koreans:


2 :日出づる処の名無し:2018/08/05(日) 09:03:07.01 ID:+Y8TaCJd.net

「25歳で資産運用? 眠たいこと言うなよ」DMM亀山会長から若者へのお金のアドバイス

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