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【政治経済】平成床屋談義 町の噂その713

215 :日出づる処の名無し:2018/03/21(水) 00:01:17.35 ID:SIV9lIg46
・・・The 1953 Korean armistice, which halted three years of bloody fighting, contained
a provision that prohibited new types of weapons or ammunition to be introduced into
the peninsula by either the United States-led United Nations forces, or the North Korean
and Chinese forces. The armistice agreement even set up inspection teams from
neutral nations to monitor incoming weapons shipments.・・・
・・・many American are raising warnings that North Korea has walked away from previous
arms agreements. But those skeptics should remember that it was the United States,
in 1958, that broke the 1953 Korean Armistice Agreement, when the Eisenhower
administration sent the first atomic weapons into South Korea.

By the mid-1960s, the United States had more than 900 nuclear artillery shells,
tactical bombs, surface-to-surface rockets and missiles, antiaircraft missiles and
nuclear land mines in South Korea. Even nuclear projectiles for Davy Crockett
recoilless rifles were for several years based in South Korea.
The presence of those American weapons probably motivated the North Koreans to
accelerate development of their own nuclear weapons.・・・

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