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【政治経済】平成床屋談義 町の噂その704

400 :日出づる処の名無し:2017/11/07(火) 09:24:52.56 ID:ZbriTb9f.net
Monkey Cage Analysis
Three reasons why Japan will likely continue to reject nuclear weapons
By Mike Mochizuki November 6 at 6:00 AM

Mike Mochizuki holds the Japan-U.S. Relations Chair in Memory of Gaston Sigur
at the Elliott School of International Affairs at George Washington University.
He is co-editor of “Nuclear Debates in Asia: The Role of Geopolitics and
Domestic Processes.”

Here are three reasons for that:

1) Staying non-nuclear is part of Japan’s national identity
2) Powerful players in Japanese politics can block nuclear acquisition
3) Japan has good national security reasons to stay non-nuclear

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