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【政治経済】平成床屋談義 町の噂その684

211 :日出づる処の名無し:2017/01/03(火) 00:20:02.60 ID:5dSlBCEt.net
Donald Trump threatens the resilience of world trade
Globalisation has survived many shocks but it will struggle with this one
FT View


期大統領の指名した通商関係の閣僚、Wilbur Ross と Mr Navarroの保護貿易主義的

He has already appointed two instinctive protectionists itching for trade
confrontation with China, Wilbur Ross and Mr Navarro, to his trade team.
It may be up to Congress to restrain the administration’s wilder
protectionist impulses ? which is a little like putting the toddlers in
charge of a nursery.

Globalisation has survived many things, but the rise of mercantilist populism
in the form of Mr Trump may be its biggest challenge for decades. The year
of 2016 was not a disastrous one for international commerce, but it may prove
to be an uneasy calm before the trade wars begin.

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