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830 :日出づる処の名無し:2016/02/29(月) 14:13:38.20 ID:N6LjE143.net


In the WWII, the president Truman at first hesitated to use
the atomic bombs which could bring thousands of deaths of Japanese,
but having read an article in the newspaper reporting a pile of
the cruelties by Japanese authority and army in Korean peninsula
including the sex-slavery, in the same day he resolved to sign
an order to drop the Little Boy on Hiroshima.
From this episode well-known in many countries excluding Japan,
it follows that Korea smashed Hiroshima practically.


ネトウヨ 低学歴 脳内青年将校 自国愛性人格障碍 天皇機関車説 造語症
南京 731部隊 重慶爆撃 華僑虐殺 黄河決壊 三光作戦 偽満建国
東京裁判 大川周明 東條の禿頭 ぱるる判事(笑) 法務死(爆笑)

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read.cgi ver 2014.07.20.01.SC 2014/07/20 D ★