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【政治経済】平成床屋談義 町の噂その585

476 :日出づる処の名無し:2014/05/10(土) 14:47:44.87 ID:n9DDJhLw.net
Last updated: May 9, 2014 8:01 pm
Google victory against Oracle overturned
By Richard Waters in San Francisco
アンドロイド・プラットフォームに影響の可能性も? FT

A US appeals court on Friday overturned a Google victory against Oracle in a
2012 software case, setting the stage for a new courtroom showdown between
the technology groups.
The decision is set to revive Oracle’s claim for damages of as much as $1bn
and will introduce a new uncertainty for Google’s Android operating system,
which has become the world’s most widely used smartphone software platform.
The case turned on APIs, or pieces of code that let programs run on top of
operating systems like Android. By limiting the ability of others to reverse
-engineer APIs, Google claimed that a decision in favour of Oracle would
make it harder to create technologies that operate well together, holding
back innovation.
In hailing Friday’s decision, however, Oracle countered that greater legal
protection for software code would boost innovation, not hamper it.
“The Federal Circuit’s opinion is a win for Oracle and the entire software
industry that relies on copyright protection to fuel innovation and ensure
that developers are rewarded for their breakthroughs,” it said.

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