2ちゃんねる スマホ用 ■掲示板に戻る■ 全部 1- 最新50    

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原神総合スレ Part7556

641 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2022/11/14(月) 10:28:57.33 ID:+HCptCEpp.net
(^q^)「The next station is Shinjuku.
The doors on the left side will open.
Please change here for the Chuo Line, the Saikyo Line, the Shonan Shinjuku Line, the Odakyu Line, the Keio Line, the Marunouchi Subway Line, the Shinjuku Subway Line, and the Oedo Subway Line.
Please switch off your mobile phone when you are near the priority seats.
In other areas, please set it to silent mode and refrain from talking on the phone.
There are priority seats reserved for elderly and handicapped passengers, expecting mothers and passengers accompanying small children.」

総レス数 754
159 KB

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