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【射撃】Sniper 3D Assassin★5発目【スナイパー】

766 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 (ワッチョイW 6b9b-n4Mc):2020/03/01(日) 15:55:04 ID:NMT3ybdo0.net

Rookie (Blue): the player has just joined the league.

Veteran (Green): the player has been in the league for a long time.

Streak (Fire): the player has won their last 3 battles.


How to be promoted?
When you reach 100 trophies in a
League you'll have the opportunity to advance.
Be warned though, this will not be easy as you will have your skills tested in a best of 3 or 5 depending on the League.

If you fail, you will stay in the same League and have trophies according to your wins and losses in this trial.

Oh, and even if you have already won the majority of the matches,
for example 3 of 5, you'll still need to complete all of 5 to finish the series and get your promotion! :)

How does the demotion happen?
If you get less than 0 trophies in your current division,
you will be demoted to the previous one. If you're in the 5th division,
you will be demoted to the first division of the previous League. And, if you're already in Steel V, you'll stay right were you are.

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