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クッキングフィーバー 客三人目

454 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2017/01/16(月) 11:36:15.91 ID:aNuMqGhk0.net

Hello ○○,

We are sorry for these inconveniences,

Our recommendations:

Please update the game to the current version on your both devices.
Connect the same Google Play account to your both devices.
And if you want to transfer your progress from one device to another, be sure you have connected your devices to the internet.
Play a game on your first device, make some progress and close the app. Then after about 5 min. take your other device and open the game, and the Google Play account will bring your progress from the first device. And vice versa.

Best Regards,
Nordcurrent Support Team

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