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モン娘☆は〜れむ part97

290 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 (ワッチョイ df57-OUy2):2016/10/22(土) 00:07:18.87 ID:rVR6g/wt0.net
Lady I can't feel what's in my heart of steel
I know you're looking lovely and I know how sweet you are
Is it love? or is it not Oh, I don't know wow wow wow wow wow wow〜
Now where do we go? Just face to face
And don't turn your eyes away from the truth
Nothing to fear Just you & I So let's make sure what's goin' on

Hey, hey, say you love it,right now, let it all our
You don't need to hide away, Just tell me what you're thinkin'
Hey, hey, say you hate it,right now, let it all off

I wanna get to know you better Let me see your naked eyes, Hey, hey
Speak up! We need! Wow wow wow wow wow wow wow〜 BAD COMMUNICATIONです!

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