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【テラバトル】 TERRA BATTLE 第348章

389 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2015/06/25(木) 18:25:22.56 ID:mO2dSE7f.net

Hi guys! I'm "< 39s=cheat" (the ID "tbcheating" on Kamcord is me too!)

In fact, I created this account for cheating in order to indicate the issue of cheating. It's not my main account.

I noticed that this account is out of ranks now but it is not ban or deactivated temperately.

Due to the difficulty of catching this kind of cheats on client device, what they can do is filtering out the abnormal records.

The cheating candidates (0:36 sec-00:39 sec without recoding video)are still alive. Let's see if they can be survived or not.

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