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585 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2022/12/23(金) 01:32:20.65 ID:I7UgVCFY.net
Connection to inotia00/revanced-patches github repository has been lost since the ReVanced github repository suffered a DMCA takedown
(original repo that forked was automatically changed from the revanced/revanced-patches github repository to another repository)

So to solve this problem, I have to completely remove the inotia00/revanced-patches github repository and create a new fork.

Therefore, all issues, releases, and commit histories in inotia00/revanced-patches will also be deleted.

Most of the previously reported issues will be moved to inotia00/ReVanced_Extended

If you have any issues, feature suggestions, or questions in the future, please leave them at inotia00/ReVanced_Extended

(フォークした元のレポはrevanced/revanced-patches githubリポジトリから別のリポジトリに自動的に変更されました)



これまで報告されていた問題のほとんどは inotia00/ReVanced_Extended に移動されます。


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