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Magisk Part10

517 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 (ワッチョイ 9358-34e8 []):2023/02/01(水) 23:36:25.74 ID:2fryAwZX0.net

The failures with 2.4.0 may be random, often occuring with a reboot...

Google monitors device security for G Pay/Wallet full time, so whether PI deviceIntegrity fails momentarily or user removes lockscreen pattern/password and immediately restores it, Pay/Wallet will likely lock out contactless payment use even while Pay/Wallet is not in use and either require resetting (clearing data for Pay/Wallet and/or Play Services) or will be restored after some time...
We need a fix for detections in official solution, but @Displax modded USNF builds are not failing this way and are working fine for most users ATM.


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